Happy bubble …the morning after

Looks like a different brain is available to me today. There shouldn’t have been anything wrong with my brain last night but running things through what I have in my head this morning shows different paths that are a lot smoother and take care of a number of problems. I don’t feel any different happiness-wise but things are processing better. My tetris blocks can actually fit whereas yesterday it looked like they were going to pile up with lots of holes.

There is an email from my mom waiting for me in my inbox and I don’t want to open it. I wanted to touch base with her last night because things felt so unsettled. They still feel that way but I am worried that she will accidently hit a bad button again and blow a hole in my attitude for today returning me to that messed up tetris game.

It is interesting to watch how my head is working, how I feel about things, and the different results. I feel the same but my head is coming up with very different results. Don’t have a theory on why yet. It might be the same thing I always do but haven’t watched it as closely as this time. Or I might be blazing a new path to deal with the stuff I have been changing.


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