In a discussion about meaningful joy (it has to be easy, effortless, and energizing) it dawned on me that I really enjoy demolition. I like taking things apart with wild abandon. I don’t seem to get tired doing it and I get even more reved up.
I enjoy taking apart the Art Show pipe and boards at Loscon. In high school, I was so enthusiastic about taking apart a set piece for a play that the girl at the other end of an 8′ 2×4 was hit in the jaw. I then moved to stipping out the nails from the pile of wood and made sure nobody was near me.
I am not sure what it is about this that feeds me but something does.
I like to poke at processes and make them more efficient. Like updates to pages at work. I will take on the update job, work at it to see what all the pieces are and then find a quick and efficient way to get through the job. Or a way to do it so it takes little to no thinking at all. You push and it basically updates itself.
This one feeds my head but can get wearing.
I like to solve computer problems. I poke at it and take it apart until it makes sense. This is only good as long at there is movement or the hope for movement. If I stall out and it doesn’t look like there is anything else to try, I give up and it is no longer fun.
This is something I do automatically. I can’t not do it. There must be some feeding in this process.
I like to untangle things, like a pile of necklaces, string, Xmas lights, whatever. I just pull it apart until it comes loose. I follow lines to see where they cross and uncross them.
This is similar to demo and process.
I love line control. This can wear me out but not as much as it energizes me. And it isn’t about forcing people to go where I want them. It is about connecting with people that need to be in a line and keeping them happy/content/informated and working with them to make the line work (i.e. leave a clear hallway, not move for however long).
I think this is where community meets process. I can’t figure out any tie to demo.
These are the places I need to look to find what gives me meaningful joy.
I like to take things apart (demo).
I like to untangle things (pull them apart and understand they structure to untangle them).
I like to understand tasks and maximize the outcome and minimize the effort put into them.
Demo – I create chaos
Untangle – I increase chaos to improve order
Process – I simplify order
Line – I connect and work with others to improve order
I don’t know where this might lead. It was trying to escape my head so I wanted to write it out.
At one time I really wanted to be a roadie, traveling and loading in and loading out. I love doing that sort of work. Don’t know why. By the time I finished with college, I couldn’t handle the work nor the hours. Now I really can’t handle it.