Seabelle suggested that the problem with my eyes might be Labyrinthitis.
To find out from the neurologist that I saw in 2005-06 why this wasn’t diagnosis for me, I had to have a real appointment. That was today.
It isn’t Labyrinthitis because I do not have circular vertigo, it affects both sides equally, it comes and goes, it is not affected if I keep my head still or move it.
I might have some sort vestibuloocular reflex as a result of an acute bilateral peripheral lesion. Nothing threatening, just really really annoying.
No idea how it would have happened. There are some medications that can do this damage but I didn’t have them and they are used only in hospitals and I wasn’t near a hospital at the time this showed up.
And interesting quote from the the dr. gave me…
Although an impaired VOR is generally the result of an injury to the vestibular system, note that VOR may be affected by systemic disease processes such as migraines, depression, and anxiety disorders. With migraine vestibulopathy, one may see an elevated gain with visually enhanced VOR (VVOR), a testing paradigm where the VOR rotation stimulus is done in a lighted (ie, visually enhanced) environment rather than in the traditional dark booth. Patients who experience anxiety disorders may have an increased vestibular sensitivity resulting in significantly higher VOR gains and shorter time constants.7 Finally, those patients with major depression have been shown to have hypoactive vestibular nuclei, resulting in a decrease in the slow phase of the nystagmus. All of these disorders should be screened for and considered when testing an individual with vestibular dysfunction.
Since I have the migraines and depression and am very aware of the anxiety lately. Nothing has change on those fronts that would have triggered the eye problem but that doesn’t mean it isn’t related.
Oh the joys of annoying but not life threatening health issues. Le sigh