“Disabuse yourself of the notion that greatness is somehow inextricably linked with fame, power, wealth, or social stature,” writes one of my readers, Pyrrol Red. “Some of the greatest human beings have been mostly unknown.” This is an important point to keep in mind, Scorpio, as you seek to ascend higher. The essence of your beauty may never be fully appreciated by more than a few people; the gifts you have to offer are so subtle and complex that you might find it hard to encapsulate them in simple forms that gain wide popularity. I’m not saying you’ll never be famous, powerful, wealthy, or high-status. But even if you do win those perks, it will be because of decisions you make and actions you take that are free of all lust for them.
I have been working on a related idea about a pat on the back and a pat on the head.
When do something for someone, there are times when I need to be noticed and thanked to stroke my ego. I want to be appreciated. I want the credit. I want people to know I did good. (At work, it means that people will know that I can do something and I will get more assignments like what I did.) This leads to fame, power, wealth and status. I call that a pat on the back.
Then there are time I don’t need to be noticed, I just need to do good. But due to my insecurities, I do need confirmation that I did good so I will do that sort of thing again. It can be someone else besides the recipient to tell me that what I did was appropriate and right. Or the action being acknowledged without my name attached to it. I have no problem with it being secret and not getting credit. This is what I call a pat on the head.
I feel greatness is having a positive effect on the world around you. I don’t need the fame and glory. Lately, I have noticed that I think I prefer the pat on the head instead of the pat on the back. I feel that as I continue on my journey, I will continue to shift from pat on the backs to pat on the heads. And hopefully someday, I won’t need the pats on the head to know I did good.