I have emails I need to write. Laying in bed, they compose themselves in my head in great detail. When I get the computer in front of me, the job seems to enormous to even start. I know that if I start and leave it almost but not completely done, I will probably not come back to it and won’t send it.
They are serious type things that need care and understanding in the writing. They are not major life issues but they are things that would clear up problems and issues instead of letting them fester. I seem to be the one that is aware of the problem and the one that always addresses it first, it is my job to instigate the process. Those that are on the other end are good at living without a solution. It is possible for them to ignore the problem and pretend it isn’t there. I am not so good at tolerating these sorts of things and I get worked up about it. I do own that I set things up so that I am the one that has to make the first move. I think there is a good chance I wouldn’t handle someone coming to me pointing out a problem if I wasn’t ready for it. If I have to take the first step, I am guaranteed to be ready when it comes time to deal with it. If the other person is not one to take the first step, then they are probably well practiced at dealing with things with others bring them up.
It sure would be nice to get to a point where there is a little more balance. I don’t know if this is a possibility or just a pipe dream but sure is a nice idea.