Plough post

Not a lot of time to post today so this is just a quickly to mark that I had a fun time at Plough last night. For awhile now I have been going because I have an ok time with a few bright moments and geeze, I live so close — it is silly for me not to go, and it is good for me. Last night, I had a great time. I was able to dance 4 (yes that is FOUR) dances in a row (ok, I did one of the reel-a-thon, but I did do it). I got to waltz with great guys. I got to socialize. I got complements on my outfit, which I really like. I got attention. I got to see a lot of people I think are really cool. I did quite a bit of bouncing from person to person and there wasn’t much depth but that is what I do at social events like plough. And I do it so well.

Today is not nearly as bright and it is hard to remember how much fun I had last night so I wanted to not it in this here journal to remind me later.

2 thoughts on “Plough post

    1. And what is stopping the Crowmama? If it is lack of knowledge, there be classes, cheap wonderful fun classes. If it be the hand/wrist, this be Irish, it is mostly footwork and very little hands. Since it is ceili and you do it with other people, there is some use of your hands but there is the possibility of strapping your wrist and going forward with it. There are others with wrist issues that do this. I don’t know all your details but there might be options.

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