I hope I never have to do that again (more dr. stuff)

I just got back from hopefully my last set of doctor appointments. I just have one more telephone appt on the 14th.

Just finished with the MRI. Recently I have been told I am brave and today I felt I proved it to myself. For an MRI, they lock your head down and put your entire body in basically a tube that is just a little bigger than you are. I am not sure if a coffin isn’t more spacious. I found out I am a little more claustrophobic than I thought. I almost yelled for them to get me out in the first few minutes. I was totally panicky and getting worse. I managed to close my eyes and start singing in my head. I focused on that and managed to make it through the 5 minute test. Then I had to pick another song for the next set of tests. I started 99 bottles of beer on the wall and saw each bottle as I “took them down.” I knew the song lasted about 20 minutes and the tests were done at 36 bottles. I feel fine now and can’t seem to understand why I was so distraught, but I can remember the reactions I was having and I feel very brave for going through with it.

Results time: They didn’t have time to show me pictures so I didn’t get to see my brain. I did manage to not ace a test, the hearing test. My hearing is normal but there is some issue with low tones and my right ear. A not very likely but one possible explanation is that the smallest bone in my ear is having trouble going in and out of its niche due to something like a calcium build up. Nothing to worry about but something to check later on. Part of me is sad that my test isn’t perfect but the rest of me is glad of finding something.

I also got info that might help with the dizzys. I don’t know why it took so long to find this info (over a year and a half) but it makes sense with what I know from school. Sometimes, one nerve track sends messed up signals. The brain tries to correlate the signals from both sides of your head. Because they don’t match, the brain thinks things are messed up = dizzys. The doctor pointed me to an over the counter medicine (meclizine) to try for a month. If it helps, keep taking it for another month and the messed up nerve track should settle down and behave. Kind of like kids that misbehaves because they want attention, if you don’t give them any, they stop misbehaving. Or at least that is the theory.

So today was useful. I really like Dr. Frisby at Kaiser.

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