Keeping track like this is a pain but probably good for me in the long run.
Asleep last night around 7pm (due to sugar) up at 1am and eventually able to do things. I ate cold pizza when I woke up. I was able to clean away more of the bed and put things away. I then covered up and played on the internet for awhile. I think I went asleep again around 7 or 8 in the morning.
I am not sure when I awoke again. I didn’t want to write it out so I didn’t. I had my morning shake. I watched 2.5 episodes of SGU and read a bit and played my solitaire games. I did get a little done on the bed because that is when I changed out of what I was wearing. Maybe this is when I did stuff and not before. Or maybe it was in addition to before. This time was getting the laundry basket put away and the chair mostly cleaned out and hanging a few things up. I went back to sleep sometime thinking about the type of things I have available to do and how they provide very little motivation to getting up. I ended up sleeping heavy and having intense dreams, great movies. I started coming awake around 4 or 5-ish maybe. Refused to even consider it until after 7pm. At 8 I got up, started putting food into me.I am eating voraciously. Coconut/no chocolate very good. Last of the sloppy joes and the good bread. I took my meds. I meant to take them when I had my breakfast shake but forgot (I think).
I might have tried to see what I could get done before I took them and then they got forgotten. I believe everything I did do both times was before I took them.
So I have slept three times in a day and a half. I am now getting up at the time I went to sleep yesterday. I have no desire and no intention of leaving the house but don’t feel quite as downtrodden as other times. I might be able to pop open the other computer and deal with UI. Then again, I have just taken my meds and they haven’t kicked in yet. This is so much fun