Got up and out for a walk at the Albany Bulb at 1pm. Hit my limit a few times and had to sit down and recuperate. Got a Subway tuna sandwich afterwards. Energy is just not coming back. I am soooo tired. Not sleepy but feeling ready to go to bed. It is not even 6pm yet.
I still feel a little warm in the face which may be leftover sun but I am too tired to look into it. People would probably call today a nice weather day and I felt it was too warm for a walk. I didn’t feel comfortable until the wind picked up.
This getting back into shape thing is not pleasant. But I know is it good to do and I want the results.
Follow-up: it is now 9pm and I am wide awake. I have spent the last three hours on the couch surfing the internet and chilling. I have had one ice cream sandwich. That’s it and I am wide awake and feeling like I have energy. Guess it took longer than I expected to recover from the hike.
I sort of feel like I haven’t moved all day.