yesterday sleep 5am Friday morning, awake at 10:30am, thought I was awake at noon, phone call I didn’t answer was at 2. Got up at 3pm, ate, dealt with kittens, watched a show. Zoned out at 5pm. Finally became alive at 7pm. Got out of house at 8pm.
Bed at 3am, awake at 8:30am. Running around today taking care of kitty litter issues. Very frustrated, exhausted, cranky. Green Elf needs food badly but doesn’t want to eat.
Kitty scratches ITCH and swell soon after getting scratched. Later they mellow out and scab over. They seem to go through a bug bit process when new.
Kittens stink and I am pretty much ready to give them back. I don’t feel supported much by Home At Last. I have been told that I am insane to go from 0 pets to 4 kittens (which is more effort than 4 cats). I am beginning to agree.
Still think life sucks. Still know that it is my job to make it non-sucky.
How old are your kittens? Do you live close to Hayward?
I have experience fostering kittens, and if you wanted a bit of help, I’d be happy to come over sometime to help care for them. Young kittens are a lot of work!
thanks for the offer but they already went back to whence they came. My main trouble was running out of supplies and the kittens hating the new litter I bought. I was willing (though unhappy) to get different little but not to play the buy and try game so I wanted to know what they were used to. All the other frustrations added on top of that.
And the poor dears were a little sick. They had loads of energy but one dripped poo a lot so he couldn’t come out and play and everybody got contaminated.
4 turned out to be overwhelming. I miss them a little but it was the right thing for them to go back. Maybe someday I will foster 1 or maybe 2 kittens.