Sleep schedule proves I am a alien from another planet

Many science fiction stories and studies show that humans have a hard time with schedules that are not based on a 24 hour day. I am using this as evidence that I am not human (OK not really but it is a fun idea to explain my “natrual” default schedule).

I slept off and on through Sat. I woke at 2am on Sunday morning and was awake until around 5am Monday morning. I woke around 9:30am and felt good. I got my shake and nuzzled down in bed because it felt good, not because I was drowsy. At 1pm, a phone call woke me. I had been dead asleep. I drank my shake and watched some tv.

After watching both parts of the final Dollhouse episodes I ended up crying hard and wore myself out. I guess it could have been around 4pm. Exhausted, I fell asleep again. Woke and am finally moving again at 8pm Monday evening.

It appears that it is relatively easy for me to adapt to a longer than 24 hour day even with the light dark cycles at 24 hours. A wild guess would put me as adapted to a planetary day of 36 hours.

The thing is that it appears that my dad has the same inertia issues I do. He loathes to go to bed when he is awake and loathes to get up when he is asleep. This issue is what has made my schedule what it is. I don’t have an external schedule placed on me. He has always had someone around that is on a 24 hour schedule to keep him there.

I am sure some of it is my depression or whatever. But I wanted to record my observations (and what fun I can have with them) somewhere to find again later. (when my real origins are found, I can then claim I always suspected it).

2 thoughts on “Sleep schedule proves I am a alien from another planet

  1. I’m on the same “default” schedule as you my friend.
    Maybe there was something in the water at our grade school or something?
    Just had to read that out loud to my husband – because he knows that without him around for the past 14+ years, I so would have been on a “whenever it felt right” sleep schedule.

    Part of the reason I survived so well on the ren faire circuit – because I only worried about “sleep schedules” on the weekends. The rest of the time, I got up or stayed up as the mood struck me.

    When you find our home planet? Let me know. Meanwhile, it’s good to know that there’s a reason we’ve been drawn together all these years! (I mean aside from the fact that we were clearly victims of some obscure highly confidential government experiments as kids)

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