Vivid dreams.

It is hard to say I would rather stay awake when I’m asleep because my dreams are bursting at the seams. ~”Firefies” by Owl City

This line from the song really resonates with me every time I hear it.

This is a long detailed description of a dream I had before waking up today. No analysis, just a vivid dream that is typical of my types of dreams. It is just an example because a friend suggested that I write them out when I wake up. They are kind of cool but they are so long and so detailed that it takes forever to go through them. I told a boyfriend about my dream the first night we spent together. When we finally got up, he asked if he needed to set aside 15 hours for sleeping and telling him the dream because that is how much time we took. I find when I try to write them out that the process of coming up with the right words to describe something tends to overwrite the memory of the dream. It is easier to type it out but in typing, trying to have the correct spelling and correct grammar to make myself understood, it really overwrites the memories. It is a very clear difference between the two sides of the brain in action.

There are some similar feelings to some tv shows and other inputs into my life. It isn’t the same or have characters from a show but the dynamic feels similar so I listed those influences in ( ). I am not editing this for grammar or a rewrite because it is already more than I like to do. I am sure it could use a lot of tightening up but I think this shows most of what is in my head. It also shows how I write and my tendency to skip around with verb tenses.

It started somewhere but the part I remember is when it gets to a Disney-like company has a project to build a method to travel to another planet and start a colony. Very charismatic man leads the project, one of the founders of the company.

I was one of two brothers that had a competition between them. I won out on some things, he one out on others. He had a hard time not resenting the things I won on. (Vampire Diaries-ish)

Group of people move to a different planet.
More rough, like permanent camping. (little Avatar-ish but same Earth plants and not as advanced)

Some commuting between old home and new home. (SG Universe-ish)
I had brought a couple of cans of a favorite soda that got really mangled in transit due to pressure changes. Looked a little like Cactus Coolers.

New report that the Earth feels that the people that left stripped the Earth of money and resources and things are descending into chaos.

Changes to a role playing game where people are playing characters and they don’t always have the traits and skills their character has.

Everyone pitches in to figure out what to do when we are “invaded by the people from an angry Earth.” Ideas flow, skills are brought forward. Natural leaders rise to the top.

I can do very little that my character is suppose to be able to do. But something I can do very well is organize and support the guy that is turning out to be the center of leadership. A lot of suggestions are bantered about and I write them up, put in who is assigned to what and post it on the big overhead screens on the inside of the dome and copy everyone (We all have portable personal computers). when someone suggests that only one person have access to make changes, while this debate is going on, I password protect the original for the guy that is turning out to be the leader and replace everyone’s versions with read only copies. When they finish deciding that is a good idea, I announce what I just finished doing. (I have helped a friend get a handle on his work for Pcon and it was like that) People are impressed. It is a change from before where it didn’t seem like I had anything to offer.

Composing and singing was involved. Our colony was based on art, singing, drawing, creating, sculpting, writing, etc. There was a core science group that made the colony work but everyone else was science and art. There is a half real component and half LARP component.

People were dispatched to their duties in this “fight.” I didn’t have a designated job and sort of filled gaps and came up with different ideas when things presented themselves. I was given mock weapons, a root ball with a very long vine/root/branch off it that could be soaked in evil smelling mud to be a “chemical” weapon, a few tacks with anesthesia on them to be mock poison, and a button that would could be affixed to something and when pushed, it would release a burst of air that would propel what it was attached to in the opposite direction. It was all suppose to be an exercise.

The guy that naturally fell to being a leader had a first name, Carver and his last name was something like Pumpkin. Some of us that were close teased him that his new name was Peter Pumpkin Head. (Carver seemed like a very reasonable and masculine name at the time and worked fine with Pumpkin, I have no idea where this came from).

One of my skills is I could float. Everyone could glide up with the help of some tech. Me and a few other people were able to do it sometimes without the extra assistance. (This is getting to be rather normal for me in dreams. I don’t seem to use my legs to move around in a lot of my dreams)

When the “enemy” showed up, they used cars and rolled on the ground. This was weird because we had some sort of riding animal and it made sense that walking or floating was the way to get around, not this incongruent rolling on wheels thing.

A group of us had heard that real killing was going on and were fleeing camp in what was like a troop truck/wagon (wheels were not involved but I don’t know how).

At the first encounter, a single “enemy from Earth” got close enough to inject a couple of hypodermics of poison (recent episode of Chuck) into a friend while saying “Shalom.” (I have no idea where the Hebrew part came from. It seemed odd and out of character, like they were trying to lay a false trail just because it was so weird. But since we didn’t know what was going on and people were really dying, it might actually have been relevant.

I tried to save the guy that was injected by using one of my “poison” tacks next to the injection site to slow the poison down. We were then approached on the side by a woman in full black leathers and a black helmet. (could be any one of many car chase shows) A friend, who could have been Ariel of the Browncoats, needed to pull up something at the front of the wagon and needed to be exposed to the side to do it. The motorcycle was coming up on her and she was in real danger. I had a single serve package of apple sauce and my “poison” tacks and burst button. Since Ariel was Jewish (I have no idea but in the dream it was so) and the woman attacking was doing the Hebrew thing, I suggested that Ariel taunt the woman to get her to come up closer and I would hide around the side of the wagon. When the woman got close enough for me to reach, I would hit her with a tack, Ariel would throw applesauce onto the woman’s helmet and I would attach the burst button to the helmet and activate it. The idea was to prick the woman and make her feel like something was going to happen to her. As she is distracted by that, the applesauce would block her sight and the burst button would push her head and cause her to crash. I think it worked but things got confusing. I think there was a crash of the wagon or some of us got off and the others went on. Due to what happens later, I figure Ariel and pretty much everyone I knew ended up dead.

Things turn a lot more serious. The enemy is wiping everyone out. They are doing clean up to remove everyone. Some of our people actually were plants and working for the Company. This has happened in other places and other colonies. Turns out that the Company sets up the colony process and gets a group to grow or mine or process something new and then they come in, wipe everybody out and harvest the product. Whatever the colony was doing was illegal but the people didn’t know. It is cheaper the Company to do this than any other way. (Some Avatar, some the last episode of CSI) The video feed about an angry Earth was just a fake and part of the process so it would be easier to kill the colonists because they are “attacking.”

There is a factor of the enemy giving first aid to those that surrender. They give us a spiel about the killing is because we are fighting and it is all our fault. They might have saved the friend in the wagon from before and Ariel. I have no idea. I either left after that, or escaped or I was hiding and overheard it and ran. It was really odd because these people had normal levels of technology and acted like people today and we were working with low levels of tech and behaving like natives that were losing the battle. I think we were more like gorilla fighters in a third world county. (no feeling connection but this could be from any one of many stories about Viet Nam) Also there was a certain scientist feel to it, a lot of white lab coats. (Could be from the one episode I saw yesterday of Better Off Ted)

Turns out that Carver is one of the plants but the Company is willing to kill their own people if necessary. I managed to hide when the Company people show up. Carver is hurt or something but he is exhausted or unconscious after talking to some Company people working out to come in with them. He has a pack of food that would keep him alive while the clean up is happening sitting on his prone body. When no one is looking I sneak in and hit him with a couple of the “poison” tacks and it makes it look like he died, low heart beat, getting colder. I then float up into the trees and vines and hide from above. (It looks a lot like a wallpaper I have had on my computer until yesterday, tropical, rain, not hot, very wet and lush, not like Avatar, all Earth based plant life. There is a good chance we are actually still on Earth somewhere but we could be on a different planet, don’t know).

When the Company people come back, they find Carver’s “lifeless” body and take the food package since it would be wasted to leave it behind. There is also something about it that shows that he is Company rather than a colonist to be eliminated. (I could make up something here but I don’t remember what it was in the dream or if it really was a part of it. There was something important about that MRE-like thing, I just don’t know or remember what it was.)

The Company is using air support looking for heat signatures to find everyone since the landscape is so dense with plant life and such. I float above the Company group hoping I look like Carver being moved from above while he is losing heat like the dead body I should be. After they move off a ways, I figure they are no longer keeping track and I double back. Carver is waking up and this is when I find out what is going on. He is sick of the entire thing and doesn’t want to be part of it. He didn’t really know that everyone was going to be killed off. He and I plot how to escape. Since the Company already searched the village, we figure it is safe to go back there. Some members of the Company carrying guns come into the village after we arrive so we hide in the stacks of heating rods below some of the buildings. The heating rods are basically some sort of metal or ceramic long tubes that radiate heat into the building on stilts above them. Since I am sort of waking up at this time, they keep changing size and length and sometimes I am completely hidden, other times I am visible on one side but my heat signature is disguise. The Company realizes on the heat signature so much that we avoid, barely, detection. Once the area is clear again, we come out.

We find someone important’s wallet. He was one of the plants that was in on things. We find his wallet near his dead body and there is something incriminating about the wallet and we think we can use it to expose what has been happening. I still don’t totally trust Carver but don’t feel I have much choice. We go hunting in the trees to find a Company woman that has been killed without obvious damage to her uniform for me to wear. I have a problem with this plan but again, there isn’t really aren’t any better choices.

We present ourselves to some sort of authorities and tell them we are reporting in and need to head up stream. He get a boat/tugboat thing and take off up this zigzagging river towards escape. (the river reminds me of an Escher print going back and forth to go up hill, could be from the print and it could be from a Curious George episode I saw about ramps to get out a window)

Jump to the future and there is this thing about the wallet being hidden in a plaster architectural piece and Carver and I have integrated ourselves into society. I call him and let him know I saw workers chipping at the corner of the building that had the wallet hidden in it and we rush over there. The paper that we were using as insurance was exposed but a piece of it is missing. There is a confrontation with the bad guy (I am starting to really wake up at this time so things are taking a turn) and it seems that Carver has the extra piece as additional insurance. At this point, I wake up. I think it was the storm that woke me finally.

There are parts I am not including because they go off somewhere and don’t add to the main plot line, probably character building points. I can still see most of the scenes and it seems like memories. I say my dreams are vivid and seem like reality but this time it had the vividness but I didn’t react to people dying like I would in reality so it was more like a story/movie/show. It is too bad I don’t have a video recorder/camera inside my head for these things. The money that could be saved in special effects and the epic story and casts of many would be great.

I did write this one down but haven’t really checked it to see if I missed anything. I can’t find it right now to do so. After I wrote it out, I watched Susan Boyle and Adam Lambert on Oprah (damn those two impress me as people, I cried when Susan sang like I normally do and I really want both of them to meet John Barrowman). So this write up was started after an hour and a half of other media being pumped into my brain and has taken an hour to type out. When I say it is hard to wake up, this write up is just a taste of what I am leaving behind in exchange for this mundane world we live in. In my dreams, I don’t have to fight getting up or doing anything, I am just reaction and living in the moment. I am all do and no anxiety. Almost everything in the mundane world is drudgery in comparison. Even those wonderful times I get together with friends start with getting up, finding something to eat, getting ready, and for some reason the big one is getting dressed to go outside in public. Once that happens, the getting to where I am suppose to go to meet someone becomes more like flowing down hill.

I know my home is toxic to me. I was out and about yesterday for over 5 hours and I was feeling good and strong and confident. When I got home, my headache returned and my back and neck started hurting again. I think they hurt from how I am sleeping so it was very noticeable to see that they hadn’t been hurting and the just arriving home brought them back.

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