Still Sick.
Still not King.
Sleeping seems to make things better. Given my weird ways of dealing with things, sleeping happens best during the day, leaving me awake and bored during the dark hours of the night/morning. Not that it matters since I didn’t have much contact with anyone during the daylight hours either.
More boiling pots of water for increased humidity. I like it humid. I wonder what my gas bill will be for this month.
Food and liquid have been consumed. While I am doing doing what is “best” for a situation like this, I am doing what is needed as what is best didn’t seem to be working and I was spending a lot of energy fighting it rather than going with the flow.
I think tonight is Solstice and I have been planning on going thinking I would be better in time. Since it is about having a vigil until the sun comes up, my flipped schedule is a good thing and I have been planning on that as well. I hope I can still do it and that I am better enough to do it without spreading germs everywhere I go. It sort of feels like my allergies have taken the ball and run with it. I itch, nose, ears just like I do when I have a bad allergy day. A cold shouldn’t cause those symptoms. I might actually be ok and be worrying myself into being sick. That is a definite possibility.
I will get out and about before I head out to make sure I am able to do so. A test run, it will probably include taking trash out. Which might be why I keep going to sleep instead.