Big plans in the works

Well, I did it.

I have plunked money down for a real, honest to goodness, vacation. Haven’t done one of those since my parents were in charge.

Haven’t liked life all that much recently and I really need a vacation from work. Sitting at home for a week just isn’t going to cut it. Since I don’t like to travel, I am kinda in a bind. K pointed out to me that while I don’t travel well, if I have a room and that room moves, I should be fine. So I looked into it, it was somewhat cheap and now it is a done deal.

I am going on a cruise. I leave LA April 29th, am at sea for two days, in port in Seattle for a day, a shorter day in Victoria BC and ending up in Vancouver BC on May 4th. I will be spending the next two nights in Vancouver, getting on a bus at 0-dark-thirty to head to Seattle to catch the train for a 24hr trip back to Emeryville. And yes, I have a sleeper compartment so it is another moving room. So that is Plane to Boat to Bus to Train to Car. Did I miss anything?

I am doing all this alone. I don’t mind going places and spending a vacation alone. The hard part is that I am paying the same price as two people for the boat and train. All the people I have in my life that I could spend a week with in a small room either can’t afford the time or the money to join me. Part of me ponders, “if I am paying the money anyway, why not add a poor friend for the price of the difference (about $300 total)?” Then I took a step back to look at this notion and realize, while I could happily share a trip, if I pay for it all, it is MY trip and I would probably end up very controlling and uncompromising. Which I can do without annoying anyone while alone but would be a massive pain if I had company.

So off to sea I go. Since I am doing this mostly last minute (bought the first part, the cruise, 15 days before sailing), I have many things to get ready almost right away. This was suppose to relieve stress? It does actually, now I can worry about something else.

4 thoughts on “Big plans in the works

  1. I know you’ll have a wonderful time!
    Some of the all-time best vacations I’ve ever had have been solo!

    We travel by train whenever possible – and if you got a regular room, you’ll actually be happy it’s just you – despite their clever design, they do get a bit cramped with 2 people if it’s a long ride! You’ll enjoy being able to stretch your legs out a bit! Oh, and if it’s overnight, make sure you sleep in the bottom berth, so you can look out the window before you nod off – there’s really nothing more enchanting than lying in the bed, with a window next to you, looking out at the stars and the night countryside and feeling sleepy as you are swayed hypnotically by the ever present movement of the train!
    Speaking of which, you’ll find you probably sleep alot on the train, it’s conducive to it!

    We’re taking the train out to Emoryville in July – but due to the baby, had to splurge for the ‘deluxe’ room… :) Still, it’s a great way to travel! And you’ll enjoy going to the dining car – as meals come w/ the rooms, and you will get to sit with 2 to 3 strangers, whom you can chat with just enough to break the monotony of the trip, but don’t have to become best buddies with! :)

    Can you tell I love to travel by train? *grin*

    Oh – and a tip: bring a travel-size can of air deoderizing spray – those bathrooms are *not* well ventilated… it’s worth it to have the spray.

    Have a fantastic trip!!

    1. I have been a train fan ever since the family would take the train from La Junta CO to Evansville IN for Thanksgiving back when I was a little kid.

      I stopped flying in 1999 and took the train out to Colo for my last trip “home.” I had the sleeper car on the way back and have been sold on it ever since. K was with me and I hardly spent any time in the room as he was sick. I had a whole train to roam, why be in my room.

      I took a trip to Redding CA and Eugene OR via train last year, solo. I tend to want to sleep in the top bunk. It feels kind of cave-like and secure. Maybe I will try the bottom bunk this trip.

      The thing I like best about the train is that I get a lot of sewing done. I have a portable machine I can plug in and the tables in the lounge car work for cutting out patterns. It also gives me something to talk about with other riders. Me, like attention? :)

      This trip I have plans for 2 skirts, 2 pair of pants, a pair of bloomers, a shirt and lining another skirt. That and 3 books should keep me occupied during the down time for the week.

      As for July, you are heading home via train? How are you arriving? Emeryville is my local station, just a few miles from my home.

      1. Train both ways… I’ll email you our itinerary! :)
        We’ll figure something out…

        Dad & I used to take train trips all the time when I was a kid too… got me hooked!


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