Rough but good day

Today is going to be rough since I was up until 5am reading a book.
But I got loads of sleep over the weekend.
But I never left the house and didn’t get dressed from Friday when I got home to Monday when I left for work.
But I got a bulk of my dishes done.
But the flies drove me nuts, I have probably 50 – 100 of them, they have had a lot to feed on for weeks.
But I got a lot of work done for Silicon and Baycon.

This could go on and on. It all ads up to both good and bad happened this weekend.

Friday was another really bad day. I seem to be having them about once a week now for the last four weeks. Different days, no real pattern. Nothing particular sets them off but I end up going way down and not sure if I am going to hit bottom or not. The next day I am fine. I may or may not be good but at least things are more manageable and I have options and movement again.

As long as I keep moving and motivated, I should be able to get through today.

5 thoughts on “Rough but good day

    1. They don’t really have much of a theme this year as far as I can tell. If I had to guess one it would be Smorgasbord. There is a little of almost everything genre including a lot of Horror this year.

    1. Blood Bound by Priscilla Briggs. It is the sequel to Moon Called.

      Yet another werewolf/vampire in reality, women of the underworld type of book.

      I really like Priscilla Briggs from Steal the Dragon and When Demons Walk years ago. This latest series reminds me of Kate Armstrong crossed with Susie Stackhouse type books.

      CANDY!! Yum.

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