political leanings up and down

Thanks to moof, here is a political leanings test that graphs the results on a two axis basis. You can find your placing on the Left/Right scale as well as the Authoritarian/Libertarian scale.

I turned out to be a Leftist Libertarian which makes sense but I expect to be closer to center than I came out. Interesting note was that Gandhi is near the same coordinates.

Economic Left/Right: -6.25
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -3.69

I am guessing that I am feeling conservative only in comparison to the people I am hanging out with and on only short term issues. The overarching issues, which is the type this test asks, place me in a much more Liberal light.

Political Leanings test from politicalcompass.org

13 thoughts on “political leanings up and down

  1. It’s a crisis!

    Help! It says I’m right wing! How can this have happened?

    On the bright side, I’m far more libertarian than I am right wing. I guess the problem is that I’m libertarian enough to think I don’t have the right to spend other people’s money, which probably gives me right-wing points. It’s odd, though, because I’m far more sympathetic with people who want to steal me money to pay for education and environmental protection than people who want to steal my money to start wars and subsidize cattle ranchers. Shouldn’t that make me more leftist?

    1. Extremes

      Careful claiming to be the most extreme when hanging with this bunch of people. already past you (barely, but still…)
      If you don’t already know her, we will have to introduce you.


      1. Re: Extremes

        Yay for introductions bait. =)

        I have to confess that when I went back and twiddled a couple of my simple (agree/disagree) answers to [strongly (agree/disagree)], I jumped way left to (-8.68, -6.72) – interesting that: I could jump so far left with no change in my authoritarian/libertarian score. Hmmmmn.

        1. Re: Extremes

          Yay for introductions bait. =)

          You could probably hit up for the intro too since you see her more often than me. It sounds like might be joining , Sugar, Spice and I in making Victorian Cheerleader outfits for Halloween. We would then be a squad of 5 with pompoms made of fans.

          1. Re: Extremes

            Ohhh. I think I heard something about that scheme…. hehe, makes me wanna bust out my own cheerleader outfit (alas, it no longer fits, and relly, since I changed my hairstyle to one that no longer supports pigtails, it’s just not the same)…

          2. Re: Extremes

            eep! You’re gonna make me confess, publicly, that it’s a clever variation on the basic mullet. I really don’t keep enough length in the right places to do pigtails these days. Trust me, I’ve tried.

          3. Re: Extremes

            Mullets are great. I am greatly sadden that they are considered “out of fashion.” They should be outside of fashion like my tail. OK it took over 10 years of being out of fashion for my tail to travel outside of fashion, maybe that will happen to the mullet. I have my own version of the mullet I am working my way back to. The current bob is entertaining me in the meantime.

  2. I stopped halfway through because I thought several of the questions really didn’t answer what the test authors thought they were answering. No big deal in most cases, I take quizzes all the time from quiz diva and quizilla which are obviously not rigorously tested insturments of psychological measurement, but the authors seemed to take themselves way too seriously.

    In case you’re wondering, I’d put myself on the left side and on the libertarian side according to thier definitions. (I don’t like the Libertarian party as it is in the US though). I consider myself a liberal, meaning long on social and civil right, while exepcting the government to play a significant role in ensuring a just economy.

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