Lois Sighting

To all those that are interested in all thing Lois McMaster Bujold, not only is she going to be in town for book signings June 29th and 30th, it looks like she is a participant at Westercon that weekend.

Argggg, I was going to skip westercon and save myself from attending yet another convention this year but if Lois is going to be there, I might have to make other arraingnments. I am planning on seeing her in Denver in 2008. This is the Year of the Lois?

4 thoughts on “Lois Sighting

  1. I am planning on seeing her in Denver in 2008.

    [Dramatic Head Turn]

    a) Lois will be in Denvoid? Where? When? I’m there!!
    b) Gina will be in Denvoid? Where? When? I’m SO there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  2. *sigh* Can’t make Westercon, guess Molly and I will have to look at Denver…although I’m already going to Costume Con, so I might have to hope for even later.

    On the other hand, how are you doing?

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