We Have FOG!!!

The SF Bay Area Fog has arrived. The AC has kicked in. We have cooling.
The Golden Gate is gone. Alcatraz is gone. As of the drive in, the fog had reached Treasure Island.

It has yet to cover the City or work its way down the peninsula. But it has begun. Woot!

I am sure we have our truly hot season still to come when the heat battles back the fog for longer than this short stint we are reaching the end of.

8 thoughts on “We Have FOG!!!

  1. aaaaaaahhhhhhh ! cooling fog.
    i was at Baker Beach last night to see its arrival, it was like heaven, hearing the fog horns and watching the bridge and everything disappear, as the sun set it was the perfect misty paradise.
    just went up to Bernal Hill this morning and could smell the fog, and see it covering the north part of the city.
    here in the mission its still sunny and hot – awaiting the cooling system to arrive.

  2. Damn. I’m going into the city tonight, and didn’t bring a jacket. I heard that it was way hot, and that the hot was expected to continue. I should know better after living here for three years that the weather in the city will always be the opposite of what I’m dressed for.

    Figures. :-p

  3. It says something that even down here I could tell when the fog moved in. I bet if I were at my old place in SF I would be freezing about now.

    … Which sounds a good deal more pleasant than it should right now. It’s cooler down here — but it’s not THAT much cooler.

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