Update: learning lessons

I have been learning so much lately. It feels like I am mid-semester and info is just coming at me from all sides.

I am involved in so many things that are bringing lessons to me. I am head of Theater Tech for BayCon. I am instrumental in getting a bachelorette party happening at BayCon and it has grown to delightful proportions. I am taking an enneagram panel class. I am working at a temp job for a market research analysis company. I have a new friend/obsession that I can talk frankly to.

All of these things have really clarified things in my life over the last month. I haven’t been able to talk or hang with old friends during this time. I am hoping that trend will reverse but things have changed around and new balances need to be figured out.

I don’t feel like I am on information overload. But from the amount and the speed this stuff is coming to me it feels like I should be. I am guessing that the information is coming at me at the speed I can take it and I am ready for it. That a lot of what I have done over the last couple of years has prepared me for this stuff. I just hope I can integrate most of it and not need to learn it again later. I am greedy that way. I love this info. Not all of it is good but I am accepting about it. I am probably more accepting of myself and the path I am on right now than most other times in my life.

3 thoughts on “Update: learning lessons

  1. *HUG* Keep breathing and do your best to deal with things as they happen, especially since it’s all coming almost simultaneously. For someone who wants to hide with their head in the sand, you’re doing an awful lot. :-)

    I’ll see you tonight and we can get the mayhem started.

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