
My pictures for 2005 are up. Finally!

There are fewer this year. And a lot of them are too dark. I seem to be doing fewer events and taking fewer pictures. Guess I am not as camera happy as I have been when it was newer. But there are events and there are pictures. Peruse at your own risk. :)

12 thoughts on “Pictures!

  1. If you are taking even fewer pictures I’d hate to consider what you call a lot. :)

    I thought the “mummy” hotdogs from hallowen were very creative.

    So when you dyed your hair with watercolors it just washed right out?

    1. Few pictures: See previous years 2004 and 2003. 2002 doesn’t have as much but that is because I started at World Con on Labor Day. When I was making up the 2005 index page, I was putting Xmas over last year’s Halloween page. And I had a number of pages in 2004 that covered a number of events. So, yeah, fewer pics and fewer events over all.

      The mummy hotdogs were from one of those cookbook things at the checkout counter at the supermarket. I thought they were soooo cute. My version of Hello Kitty, I guess. I giggle each time I see the picture so it seemed perfect for the cover shot.

      Hair color in and out, Oh Yeah!
      It was red one day, blue/pink the next and blond the next.

      I wish I knew about this in the 80s. Only draw back is that it is not good for going out dancing or anywhere else where you would sweat.

  2. Damn woman… you are stunning as a blonde!! Well, hell, equally stunning with green and purple&blue hair too – but I really do like the blonde on you!

    M agrees…

    Great pics!!


    1. Thank you my dear.

      I have done the all over blonde in 96 (see my >driver’s license picture.

      Funny thing is it is six months grown out and people are still complementing me on the color. Guess it looks like I meant to do it this way from the beginning.

      Hell, my hair hasn’t been mono-tone since 85. It is just more natural colors these days. ;) You know what that is like.

  3. Love the pictures from the dinner party!!

    Also, some of the links are broken toward the bottom of the page. For example, when I click on the Cemetary picnic, I get the Gay Pride parade instead. :)

    1. Ah, figured out what it is. The picture has the good link, the caption has the old link. At the top of the page, they are connected and so if you link one, you link the other. At the bottom of the page they are separate. I will have to fix that later. In the meantime, click on the picture to be whisked away to that grouping of fun.


  4. Oh, man – I didn’t get the Red Dresses to line up for a photo at NYE, and now that I see your photo collection, I regret that lack of effort on my part. Never mind, I’ll see you at more functions this year, yes?

    1. Thanks for the follow-up. ;)

      That is my friend Pike who makes this stuff for a living. I was bordering on being jealous of him at Comic Con. When he was walking with me to a panel, we got stopped so many times by people who wanted to take pictures that he started saying No, he wouldn’t pose but they could catch an action shot if they were quick enough. I was in costume too but no one wanted pictures of me when I was with him. I have never been asked to have my picture taken to the point of annoying me.

      *le sigh* It is so hard hanging around with cool people. ;)
      Good thing my ego doesn’t get involved.

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