I have been looking forward to going to Plaid Night at the Starry Plough for a couple of months. I confirmed last night that I would be unavailable Monday the 16th to make it to Plough and I am disappointed. To make me feel better, I am wearing five plaids today.
It is worth it though. I am taking a class thing called Study Group for Sevens, where we discuss the different aspects of the enneagram type seven. I get to find out just how different from the stereotype I really am. But it is Monday nights, in Palo Alto from 7:30pm to 9:30pm for 5 weeks starting last night. Pretty much kills any hope of making it to the Plough next monday.
Oh well, guess I will just have to save up for next year. Bwaaa haaa haaa.
Five plaids? I hope you took a picture of this!
Yeah – I want a picture of you deciding to wear multiple plaids and stopping at *only* 5.
Never thought to take a photo of just 5 plaids. It doesn’t clash enough. This was way mellow. Typical 3 plaid vest, a sweater with plaid and plaid socks. Hardly anything once you accepted the 3 plaid vest.
Not that it is a good picture or only 5 plaids but here is a pic of me last Halloween. I think I had at least 12 plaids on (including underwear). I was being somewhat mellow for Halloween because I didn’t know how the company handled the holiday. I was encouraged to wear a costume but as it turned out, not many people did and the costumes were subdued. I took off a couple of layers and stayed at my desk and I was mostly fine.
I forget where you live – can you stop by on your way back from the class?
You know people would be happy to just see you.
Evenings in Palo Alto? D00d, do they have those for the other types too?
They have talked about having done other types but there is nothing on the schedule so far. I suggest getting a hold of them and asking. Their website is http://www.globalcommunity.org/enneagram/index.shtml
There is only six people in my class and as of the friday beforehand, there was only two. Most of us signed up at the last minute which is very like our type.