No Plaid for me

I have been looking forward to going to Plaid Night at the Starry Plough for a couple of months. I confirmed last night that I would be unavailable Monday the 16th to make it to Plough and I am disappointed. To make me feel better, I am wearing five plaids today.

It is worth it though. I am taking a class thing called Study Group for Sevens, where we discuss the different aspects of the enneagram type seven. I get to find out just how different from the stereotype I really am. But it is Monday nights, in Palo Alto from 7:30pm to 9:30pm for 5 weeks starting last night. Pretty much kills any hope of making it to the Plough next monday.

Oh well, guess I will just have to save up for next year. Bwaaa haaa haaa.

7 thoughts on “No Plaid for me

      1. Never thought to take a photo of just 5 plaids. It doesn’t clash enough. This was way mellow. Typical 3 plaid vest, a sweater with plaid and plaid socks. Hardly anything once you accepted the 3 plaid vest.

    1. Not that it is a good picture or only 5 plaids but here is a pic of me last Halloween. I think I had at least 12 plaids on (including underwear). I was being somewhat mellow for Halloween because I didn’t know how the company handled the holiday. I was encouraged to wear a costume but as it turned out, not many people did and the costumes were subdued. I took off a couple of layers and stayed at my desk and I was mostly fine.

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