I got a call looking for people to be part of a focus group. They are looking for Gamers (board, computer, online) between the ages 18-40. Gee, I don’t know any of those. The woman gave me her number for anyone interested to contact her so I am not pointing her to friends without their knowledge.
I believe the meeting is for 90 minutes and gives you $75. I think it is in Berkeley this week and Nov 22. So call now and feel free to pass this info around.
That’s the generic number for a marketing research group. Do you have the contact’s extension or name?
That was the only number given to me and the woman was very eager to have people call. I would guess calling the number and asking for the gamer focus group would work, if they have a live person answering. I am suppose to be getting a call back with details for my session Nov 22 but I don’t expect that will happen soon enough for the earlier sessions.
Too bad they think that 40 is when people stop playing games. Here I am, almost The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything and I am addicted to Worlds of Warcraft and I am in two RPG groups. And in one of the groups I am most definately not the oldest.
Oh well, their loss.
Blackheart the Norsebiker