No Wake

I am giving up on the plans for the Wake. I find I am approaching my birthday frustrated and depressed and it has nothing to do with the fact I am turning 40. Other things in my life are overshadowing the change in age. I remember feeling this when I turned 30 and I don’t want a repeat of that. I want to enjoy this change of decade instead of it getting lost in plans and preparations.

I am having a hard time facing the immediate future. Things were not coming together for the Wake. Thanksgiving is an empty slate. I don’t know if I can afford to go to LosCon or how I will get there. And I don’t even want to think about the nightmare of Xmas.

I hate holidays and right now, my birthday has become one of those hated holidays.

So, not big deal over the change of decade. I might do something in the first quarter of the year when things will hopefully will be less stressful.

6 thoughts on “No Wake

  1. and I are, I think, still looking for folks to split our room at LosCon with, if sharing a room would help, and you and Todd might be able to work out carpooling of some sort, too — I’m not sure if he’s planning to drive or fly, though.

    (Or you may not feel you know us well enough for that, which I quite understand, or it may not be enough of a dent in the expense.)

  2. Sorry to hear that the idea of a Wake are a no go. May we still expect the pleasure of your company at Pit?

    The House of Pewter isn’t hosting Thanksgiving, but if you’d care to join Kevin, The Family and I, lemme know. I’m sure Tony would be delighted of an extra person to feed!

    As for LosCon, if you’re willing to fly Southwest out of Oakland, I’ve got a free pass. It will get you there on Friday, HOWEVER, it won’t get you home on Monday, you’d have to fly home Tuesday. Maybe Melissa or Bert could put you up for the night? Yours for the asking.

    XMas shouldn’t be a nightmare. You are more than welcome to join Kevin, Family and I up at the Family Estate. People will be coming and going all day, and Tony will be blissfully spending the day in the kitchen cooking for everyone.

    1. LosCon

      If your schedule is clear from Friday through Tuesday to make the trip, I’m sure we can find you a bed. I would have to check with the husband before offering anything concrete, but if that is the only obstacle . . . consider it done.


  3. The annoying bit is that it isn’t my age that is bothering me. I am tickled to be 40. I want to enjoy the turning of the decade. There is just all this other shit in the way. *pout*

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