Yes, as all my friends know, I am insane. I get these weird little ideas and I run with them. I started a green trend in the beginning of March. Then I tried to see if I could stretch it out. I decided that I would see if I could wear green for every day until St Patrick’s Day without repeating anything, not the green and for the most part, not the other items at well. I ended up wearing skirts more than usual because I only have so many pants.
I decided I would would stop on St Patrick’s day because everyone else would be wearing green and I don’t want to be part of a large herd (I like special small herds).
This is what I am wearing today. (click images for larger version)
Wearing green for 17 days and stopping on the day most other people join in is bad enough but then I decided that I needed to take a picture of all the green things I wore for 17 days (I started on Feb 28).
This is everything green I wore in a pile of variations of greens.
This is everything I wore in the order I wore it Monday through Sunday of each week (the last week was only M-W). I did stop at pulling out everything I wore and only stuck to the green things.
Yes, I do have a list of what was on what day as well as what else was in the outfit. I thought to be nice to everyone (and not bore them) and not write it all out here. I would have taken daily pictures if I knew at the beginning that this was something I was going to do.
And I just couldn’t stop. This is most of the other things of green that I could wear but didn’t for different reasons. Some have holes in them, some are skirts that are way to short to wear to work or on a windy day, some are to big but still wearable. Some are just inappropriate for where I had to wear them. Some could have worked but I just didn’t have enough days to include them.
I was upset with my lack of planning after the first week because I had worn multiple green items when I didn’t realize I might have the ability and the clothes and the insanity to stretch it out to the 17th. I felt I wasted them when I could have used them later as individual green items. Then I really dug into my closet and realized I have a lot more clothes than I ever think I do. I did not repeat a single green item. My greens ranged from emerald to khaki to sea green to grass green to light green to dark green to olive green to sage green. Just a few greens. The odd thing is that for some reason, each of these greens actually looks good on me. I would expect some of them to be good and some to be bad, but I think they all work. At least that is my impression and no one has admitted to me that a green didn’t work when asked. They could be lying to me but surely I am not that imposing.
And no, green is not my favorite color and not the color I have the most of. I just have a lot of a lot of colors, green being one of them.
Someone suggested that I finish out March wearing green every day. I think that is more than even I could handle. I just don’t have that much green. Although, I didn’t count things that have some green in them somewhere…
To quote furycom, I am such a freak.
But you’re our freak, and we love you. Enjoy your trip and time away. I liked seeing the green plan.
Yes, you do have more clothes than you think you do, but wait there’s more.
I’ll bring the green mosaic Saturday, so you can make more, More, more green clothes.
Ahem, congratulations.
wow… you really are a wonderful freak.