Had my review. Mostly ok to good. Quite a laundry list of complaints about me outside of the review. Image and attitude based rather than work based which makes sense in a corporate world. It is out in the open and now can be worked on. Both my boss and I have things to work on. His stuff is actually getting around to telling me he has a problem instead of waiting months and then only talking about things in general terms because he doesn’t have any specifics. My stuff is all image oriented (like less surfing, perceived work levels, attitude, volume, talking less).
It is really hard to grok how I can be one boss’ dream employee and other’s pain in the butt when I didn’t change that much. But I can really see how I am that pain in the butt. It isn’t just perception.
I can work here, I just don’t belong here. Please keep a look out for jobs that would actually appreciate me. This one has gone corporate and I don’t fit.
Not quite sure what you do when you’re not being the freak that we hang out with at cons and Don & Cheryl’s parties, but check the local universtiy HR websites, there might be something there for you, and it’s definitely not corporate.
I push PowerPoint around. Technically, I am a Presentation Specialist. I am really good with many of the Microsoft Products, I can make then dance and sometimes sing. I am working out a way to list out my other skills.
The universities are a good idea. I work well in academia. Not to teach but I understand and appreciate the environment. They may not want/need my skill set but I will take a look.
That last line sums up pretty much about how I feel about my job changing the “corporate” to “greedy”…
I have often wondered how my virtues can be seem as faults in the light of different peoples’ views.
Do you feel you do a good job? That you add to the over-all performance and atmosphere of the work-place? What plans are you making to find a place where this will true and you can want to be there as well?
You are missed by the by…
Everything has an appropriate place and appropriate time. They have just changed my workspace to a point where things that use to be virtues are now looked down upon and things that people didn’t use to worry about because I was so good at what I did are now being used to measure my worth. I use to be in an odd support niche in a large corporation, then they moved us to the floor that is the heart of the corporate culture. I do not belong and the over a page long list of what I have done wrong, that they do have valid points about, just really illustrates that.
In July (pre-move), I got a glowing review from this same boss. I have done my work very well. Everyone I work with that isn’t my boss is very impressed with me. So much so that when I slacked off because the attitude around here sucks, I am now seen as bad because it isn’t as perfect as it was before. But my good work is the mechanics of my job. I have not done well with the image of my job. I have caused problems with the appearance of my team, my poor attitude has been noted by other managers, I fight with my boss and make him look bad, etc. These are important items in this world and I need to do something about them to survive here.
They will be loosing a lot when I leave here. But they will survive. They will be able to find someone that fits better. I need to stay until Feb to get the bonus but after that, I see no reason to stay if I can find something else worth going to.
As for plans, I am getting my ducks in a row. My resume is ready. I need to start actually looking. I figure that is January’s job. I may end up somewhere very similiar to here but it won’t have the 5 years of history behind it and I will be able to approach it fresh.
You are missed to. This season has been so busy that when I have free time and thought to get together with you, I end up hiding at home instead.
Are you restricting yourself to BArea jobs?
Southern California
Re: Area?
Yeah, and to the ones relatively nearby. Like San Francisco, Oakland, Emeryville, East Bay. Places with reasonable transportation from Berkeley.
I am so picky *le sigh*