I got started on birthdays in my schedule update post and it got longer so I decided to split it off here.
As can be seen in my previous post, there are oodles of birthdays in Nov/Dec. I am even missing a few that I know of, I just don’t have the actual dates. The other clump seems to be in March. This is one of the reasons the Pit O’Scorpions party exists, there are just so many of us. I am sad about missing the Pit this year. I haven’t missed the last 9 (I think) and this year I was looking forward to inviting people to a birthday party for me. But I am not the host and the host needed to put it on a different night. I guess this is a reminder that it isn’t a party for me and that if I want one, I have to put it together. Too bad my place is way small and I totally freak at doing parties by myself. Guess it isn’t such a bad thing that my place is too small after all.
I will probably skip over my birthday this year. I am very busy and not enthusiastic about it. Last year I missed out on a lot of halloween stuff so I had lots of energy for my birthday. At work I did this big tea party where I made lots of food and dressed up. For the weekend of my birthday, I joined Crystal and Karen for a spa weekend that was new and interesting. The year before, I had a great time before my birthday and hated it right afterwards. Before, I joined Crystal, Karen and Melinda for a Crystal’s birthday dinner, the Pit was a lot of fun, the day of my birthday, I got to spend time with both of they guys I was dating at the time – the day with one, the evening with the other. After my birthday, things just started going wrong and it was so good before, it really hurt when it didn’t work out right after. A lot of the effort put into last year’s birthday was because of the sour taste left in my mouth from the previous year’s.
This year it isn’t such a big deal to do little for my birthday, it is only 39. It is odd to have my life going pretty well and be so down about it. Next year will be harder though. 40 is a big deal. If things are planned, it is hard not to have expectations and get hurt. If things aren’t planned, then you are missing the opportunity to have it be special. Not having 39 be special, not a big deal, not having 40 be special, real bummer. Although my hardest birthday will be 42. I am hoping to do something really special for that one. Probably will go sky diving to mark the occasion, ala Heather Alexander and Tim McGraw. Or at least that is the thought at this time.
I found out recently that my mom’s due date for me passed and labor had to be induced. I like to hold onto the idea that I was suppose to be born on Halloween. That would be a good birthday for me. Although it would add stress to an already stressful time. But maybe this year I will adopt Halloween as my actual birthday and enjoy the day with friends and the night at DNA lounge.