Picture update

Things are shaking up at work so guess what I do. Avoid dealing with it all and slack off by picture wrangling and posting.

The last time I updated my picture site, it was Dec 31 2003. I now have pretty much everything for 2004 up. 2002 and 2003 have been moved to their own pages.

Share and Enjoy!

If you find any missing links or other errors, please to let me know and I can fix them.

Funny thing I noticed is that I appear to be missing Halloween from last year all together. I need to go find them (there were 5 or 6).

7 thoughts on “Picture update

  1. woot! – thank you for posting the San Anselmo day, the second go-a-round where we were able to join and walk with you! May I post a link from our pages to your photos?

    1. I consider the stuff I post to be public domain. As long as you don’t abuse it, you are welcome to do whatever with it. Feel free to link to it or download what you want.

      1. Public domain?

        You can only give away the rights to the stuff you have the rights to, Gina…

        I don’t mind you using the photos I’ve taken of you, of course. And thanks too for crediting it and linking back to my site.

        Looks like you have a lot more fun than I’d realized. Your pictures actually make me wish I lived up in the BArea…

        1. Re: Public domain?

          You are completely correct about only being able to give out rights to my stuff. I don’t usually grab pictures from others so I had forgotten about it. The picture from your site was just so cool and the only one of that outfit. I will have to add that caveate to my statement. Thanks for keeping me honest.

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