latest Update

I haven’t been keeping up on this like it looked like I would. Guess I am not as addicted as I thought. Then again maybe I just needed to catch up.

Latest new, I have had a really sore back for three days (slept on it wrong and woke up this way). I have been on Advil straight for the last two. Found out today that I was doing the wrong thing by putting heat on it and curling up. Funny, those were things that made it feel better. Sleeping on it wrong falls more in the injury category than the sore muscle category so it needed ice instead. I just made it worse. Which is why I went to the chiropractor. Thank whatever for her. I can recommend Chinabear Joseph in Oakland. I feel so much better and without the drugs. So of course I am going to mess it all up by going dancing Tomorrow. *gleeful grin*

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