
Geeze people, where do you get the time?
We have all this LJ drama, deep posts, the 3 questions meme. I haven’t even been able to reply to comments on my post from Monday.

Admittedly, at work, we are in one of our four busiest times of the year, we are short staffed and two of the three people on my team (the fourth has his own project and is unavailable) are out for two days, leaving me in charge of Everything. Argggg. I don’t like playing responsible roommate. Whaaaa. I can do it. I will do it. But I don’t have to like it. I got use to slack time. (notice I did manage to keep up with what is going on LJ, I just don’t have the time to actively participate).

Today, I tried something new. I stayed off the internet until lunchtime. Boy, that was hard. It did make work a little more tolerable. Fewer distractions. Less “what am I missing, I’m so bored.” Even now, we have been cleared to go home and instead I am typing away on my LJ account. *snerk*

I just felt I had to post something. I have a bunch of things forming in my head as LJ posts and haven’t been able to get to them all week. They will probably just drain away. Even monday’s post I felt was a requirement for people’s education. I figured I would be getting hit over and over with the “all you all right?” if I didn’t post. I will admit, it feels weird not to get anybody checking in with me but since that was what I was aiming for, I should be happy with it. :)

4 thoughts on “fluff

  1. I get the time for LJ by not sleeping and not watching tv or going to the movies. In the past by also not going out at all, but between Plough, Pryanksters, St. Stephens Green, FNW, Peers, Gaskells, and a few other things, I do go out a fair bit, I suppose.

    My cat probably doesn’t get as much attention as she’d like, though.

    1. That is because I haven’t had time to download any or set up the pages.
      The only thing I have up is this page from our Labyrinthing Day in the North Bay. I haven’t even had time to connect it to the other Labyrinth page.

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