A night of dancing

taking a moment to record during a song I am too tired to dance to and isn’t good enough to override my self preservation tendencies. Gotta show you guys what you are missing. :)

What a fun night. Beautiful, cool, fancy looking people. Strangers have complemented me on my dancing and others have said how cool my outfit looks. Seems to be pirate night. I have pictures, just can’t download them on site. I even got hit on.

I have been dancing almost non-stop for an hour, an hour and a half. I feel great but man am I going to hurt tomorrow and the next day. I can’t keep taking days off to go to these things but I might try for half days.

OOooop, good song. Gonna go.

7 thoughts on “A night of dancing

  1. tra-la!

    thank you again for convincing me to come out. you reminded me how much more fun clubs are with friends. not that I don’t have a great time by myself and I never let a lack of available friends keep me away… but, yeah. I had a great time. Would totally be up for more such excursions. Though I will continue to turn into a pumpkin at midnight…

    1. Re: tra-la!

      Not having friends go doesn’t stop me from going (other than my own lack of momentum overtaking me) but I do appreciate having friend with me. They add so much more to the experience. I am so glad you could join us. I am thinking of taking a half day off after the next one so I can go. I think it is April 28th. Turning into a pumpkin at midnight is fine. I usually leave the plough at 10pm so I can go to work the next day.

  2. Yay for you! I’ve been so pleased to see you (by virtue of reading about it here) continuing to grow in strength and stamina.

    Can’t wait to see the pictures…

    1. I figured out on the drive home (at 3:30am) that the extra energy comes from not having a boyfriend. No energy is going to maintaining a relationship or another person. Also from having lost 40lbs which came from losing the boyfriend. The freedom and energy is one of the positives to this situation. Balance is important but for now, I am going to do what I can to ride the wave.

      1. my poor red-rubbed eyes (allergies) read that as “having lost 401 lbs”…

        I boggled as I tried to imagine what a 531-lb. Gina would look like.

        I am glad that you’ve redirected that energy into yourself, and that it’s having such a positive effect. And, maybe the next romantic relationship won’t siphon off so much of your energy, whenever you have decide to have one again.

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