Thanks to sandpanther, the neutron.
Higgs Boson — You are crazy and wacky and nobody
really understands you. Theoretically your
humor gives the universe mass and existence,
but the explanation as to how this all works is
still in the works.
What kind of subatomic particle are you?
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I think this fits only a small part of my personality but I like it. Welcome to the land of Gina-Logic.
Oh goody… I”m unpleasant but cool? huh… okey dokey
Positron — You are the anti-matter equivalent of
an electron. You are frentic and excitable like
the electron, but you have an unpleasant
personality and tend to destroy everything you
come in contact with. On the bright side
though, you are very cool. You like hanging out
with Anti-Protons.
What kind of subatomic particle are you?
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Neutron — You don’t take sides, you just sort of
hang out and blend into the crowd. If someone
lets you loose though, you can cause some
serious damage. If you are arround too many
other neutrons you get bored and start to
What kind of subatomic particle are you?
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