We knew it would happen. If I kept having tests, something somehow had to show up, right?
Yup, that’s right boys and girls, I have finally stopped passing all my medical tests with flying colors. Not that the stuff that is found has anything to do with what is wrong with me. Not that there is anything really wrong with the stuff that has been found. But stuff is being found.
First, to get it out of the way, is the Arachnoid Cyst. I have one on my brain. Just above the left ear. Everyone stay calm. It means nothing. Just that the radiologist checking my MRI scan had something to do that day in checking it twice. Because of the location, it is just a little lump hanging out minding it’s own business. Many people have them, you could have one. Nothing is wrong with it. Nothing will become wrong with it. It just is. And I have something cool to point to and talk about, “Hey, I got an Arachnoid cyst, right here!”
So, we still don’t know what is causing the dizzys. But that was one test that wasn’t all clear.
Another test is my hearing test. I have difficulty with lower sounds in my right ear. They don’t know why. One possibility, which is unlikely according to the doctor, is that the area where one bone moves in and out of is getting built up (calcium deposits maybe?) and the bone doesn’t move so well. Sound through conduction is fine. Once again, not really a problem, nothing to do about it, just is. Technically, I am still in the normal range and this doesn’t explain any trouble I have understanding what people are saying. This test will provide a good baseline for future tests if there does get to be a problem.
Weeee. Maybe I will hold off on getting more tests done for awhile.
Is the arachnoid cyst, like, right behind your ear, on the bump of bone behind the lobe?
No, wait, I just read the description again. But is it like a hardish round thing you can feel, or is it actually on your brain?
I’m babbling, b/c I’ve had this weird thing right where I was talking about for as long as I can remember. But since it’s probably not the same thing, forget I said anything. Blahblahblahskiddlydooblah
From my understanding it is on/in one of the coverings of the brain so that would put it under the skull.
So in answer to your question, it is on the brain and not something you can feel.
Your thing is probably one of those bumps that determine your personality or some such thing.
Yes, visit a phrenologist. =)