Fructose is not bad for everyone.

This is a reply that poured out of my fingers in response to someone commenting that “Fructose is bad for everyoe” on miss_missy’s sucrulose post. They don’t deserve me jumping down their throat so I am putting it in my journal instead and giving them a much shorter summary.

Sorry, I have a strong kneejerk reaction to your statement of fructose being bad for everyone. I am hearing that a lot and it is just wrong.

Fructose has its bad sides and its good sides and like everything is good in moderation. Many people are making fructose out to be a villian because it has had such a positive rep before this.

For me, regular sugar affects me like alcohol. I get drunk on it, and I don’t mean figuratively but literally. There is something about the way my body processes it that can mess me up. And there is a crash afterwards that seems to be realated to insulin and how my body deals with that. The doctors don’t know what is up.

I do ok with fructose (and not necessarily just found in fruits but also the addititive). I have found out lately that it is processed by the liver instead of the small intestine. I think that might be why I can handle it. It produces fat cells. So do a lot of other things. It is something to watch for but in not an inherantly bad thing. It reduces the feeling of hunger being satisfied. This isn’t a problem for me. Hunger and needing to eat have been detatched for me for about 20 years. I get massively hungry at the end of a good meal because it tasted so good I want more.

In all things moderation, yes. Fructose works really well for me and I am someone ergo “Fructose is bad for everyone” is a false statement. It has frustrated me so much because it gets thrown out there and details aren’t given which has led to me needing to spend so much time digging and digging to find information to figure out why it is actually good for me while not so good for others.

Instead of listing what fructose does and doesn’t do, people just default to “it is bad” and until recently I haven’t been able to find out why it works for me and what I might be facing as consequences. Turns out that due to how I am wired, the consequences don’t actually affect me. They fill in where other things are absent.

So for me, fructose is good. As good meat, veggies, dairy, and grains. I am someone, ergo fructose is not bad for everyone. Over the years, it seems like many more people are finding they have some of the same issues I do and they are someones too. It is just something that people could use an education on and be allowed to make an informed choice.

One thought on “Fructose is not bad for everyone.

  1. I’ve been assuming that fructose in its natural context is largely fine for most people, even those who shouldn’t overdo it on things like HFCS.

    So yeah, even as someone who wishes there was less HFCS in everything, I must agree that “It’s just bad for everone M’Kay?” is a useless response.


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