My brain gender is equally Male and Female

The BBC science site has an interesting test to find out what sex you brain is. I ended up with exactly 0 between Men and Women. Balance, yeah that’s me. Some of the areas were strongly one gender or the other and they averaged out to even. Other areas where in the middle of the gender lines.

Here is the breakdown:

1) Angles (more than average Male brain)
This task tested your ability to identify the angle of a line by matching it with its twin. This is a spatial task, which looks at how you picture space

Your score: 18 out of 20
Average score for men: 15.1 out of 20
Average score for women: 13.3 out of 20

If you scored 18 – 20: You have more of a male brain. On average, men outperform women in this task and those with more mathematical knowledge tend to score quite high as well. In past studies, 60 per cent of the people in this range were men.

(I think the two I got wrong were the ones that were flat and there were two options for that one. But I could be wrong)

2) Spot the difference (well above average Female brain)
This task tested your ability to identify which objects changed position. You lost points, if you incorrectly identified objects.

Your score: 86%
Average score for men: 39%
Average score for women: 46%

If you scored between 67 – 100%: Those with a female-type brain generally score in this range. Your ability to remember where objects are may serve as an advantage to you when you’re trying to find your way around places. You’re more capable of recalling landmarks to get from one place to another.

(I did it by memorizing relationships between objects. I don’t know if I am all that much better at spotting changes versus desperate to score well.)

3) Hands (Analytical, doesn’t seem to indicate either sex)

You said your right thumb was on top when you clasped your hands together.

Right thumb on top: This suggests the left half of your brain is dominant. Many studies have tried to establish whether there is a relationship between handedness and brain dominance. Some scientists believe that if you are left brain dominant, you would be more verbal and analytical.

4) Emotions and Systems (Male and Female brains)
This task looked at whether you prefer to empathize or systemise.

Empathizing (poorly, below average Male)

Your empathy score is: 6 out of 20
Average score for men: 7.9 out of 20
Average score for women: 10.6 out of 20

Systemizing (poorly, above average Female)

Your systemising score is: 9 out of 20
Average score for men: 12.5 out of 20
Average score for women: 8.0 out of 20

(poorly on empathy might be more an aspberger’s thing. Not that I actually have it but I do have a lot of cluelessness about reading others. Poorly on systemizing might be more the samples they gave. I love reading maps and don’t have a problem. I get board playing strategy games like Risk. Quick systems that I use right away = Good. Long look ahead and delayed reward or risk of no reward = Ick.)

5) Eyes (both Male and Female brain)
This task tested your ability to judge people’s emotions.

Your score: 5 out of 10
Average score for men: 6.6 out of 10
Average score for women: 6.6 out of 10

if you scored 4 – 6: Your result suggests you have a balanced female-male brain and find it neither easy nor difficult to judge people’s emotions.

(Oooo look. Not being able to read people again. Imagine that. How can they tell brain sex when both sexes average exactly the same. I would think it might be more a factor if standard deviation since the average is exactly the same.)

6) Fingers (Male brain)
We asked you to measure your ring and index fingers. Your ratios came to:

Right Hand: 0.96
Left Hand: 0.95

Average ratio for men: 0.982
Average ratio for women: 0.991

Men generally have a ring finger that is longer than their index finger, which gives them a lower ratio than women, whose ring and index fingers are usually of equal length.

(Since the differences are so close I feel this is not a very good test. It is easy to be slightly off when measuring or how you are holding your finger when measuring can influence the reading. I think that the margin of error is either too close or is larger than the difference between the sexes so Boot the Test.)

7) Faces
This task looked at how you rate the attractiveness of a series of faces. The images you looked at were digitally altered to create slight differences in masculinity.

Your choices suggest you prefer more masculine faces.

(Another somewhat off topic test. I don’t think the sex of your brain affects the attractiveness of masculine or feminine faces. Maybe what you want in your life does. Or if you are looking or not looking for a mate, what type of mate do you want. Stuff like that.)

8) 3D shapes (Male brain)
This task tested your ability to mentally rotate 3D shapes.

Your score: 11 out of 12
Average score for men: 8.2 out of 12
Average score for women: 7.1 out of 12

If you scored 10 – 12: Are you an engineer or do you have a science background? People with these skills tend to score in this range. Past studies have concluded that people in this range have a more male brain.

(I think the only reason I did not get all 12 is because I ran out of time right before I clicked my answer. If I had one sec more, I might have 12 out of 12. While my profession is technically Graphic Arts and I like to create things, I do have an analytical mind and like science. At one time I was heading towards a science based life but I didn’t like it much.)

9) Words (Female brain)
This task looked at your verbal fluency.

Your score: you associated 9 word(s) with grey and you named 7 word(s) that mean happy. We are assuming that all the words you entered are correct.

Average score for men: 11.4 words total
Average score for women: 12.4 words total

If you produced 6 – 10 words: Most people in this range have a female-type brain.

(Aw gee, low score with words. Yup, that is about right. Yes, those of you that know me might find it hard that even with all my talking and writing, I really don’t get along with language very well.)

10) Ultimatum (Female)
This task asked you how you would divide money.

If you had to split £50 with someone, you said you would demand £25

So far on the Sex ID test, men have demanded 51.6% (£25.80) of the pot and women have demanded 51.0% (£25.50), on average.

Sex differences are small in this task. Demanding less than 60% of the pot (ie £30) is more typically female. Demanding more than 65% of the pot (ie £32.50) is more typically male.

Scientists believe that people with lower testosterone levels tend to take fewer risks so they are probably more willing to keep less for themselves. Those with higher testosterone levels tend to drive a harder bargain and are less compromising.

(Yup, this is me, very low risk taker. I would rather go for less of a sure thing than more of something I might not be able to have. Once I have made my decision on if I want it or not, I don’t want to be denied getting it. I think this relates to why women get paid less than men for the same job. Women tend to not negotiate hard whereas men will. I think it is more of a focus on working together and compromising instead of being aggressive and winning. I wonder how the pay structure would be different if women had the power while it was being created instead of men. And the disclaimer: there are men and women on either side, this is just about tendencies of each gender.)

Fingers (questionable)
3D shapes

Spot the difference


3 thoughts on “My brain gender is equally Male and Female

  1. Interesting. I scored about +25 Male total. Amazingly to myself, while I got 5 out of 20 on the empathizing bit, I scored 20 out of 20 on the eyes part.

    Not sure what it means, but, hey – data.

  2. There are definitely problems with some of the areas that the test identifies as “male” or “female,” most notably the spatial awareness and 3D rotation items. If you are a native signer, you will do better at these kinds of tests, whether you are male or female, because your native language moves through space.

    There’ve been studies on this, but I’m too lazy to dig them up. :)

  3. The finger one is stupid in so many ways. Like you said, small differences make measurement error likely. What exact angle I hold my hand at affects it. Also, I thought this was a test of BRAIN differences. My brain is not in my fingers. Stupid test, no cookie.

    Other (no less stupid but different) tests of this type have revealed that my brain is marginally more male than female, but not by much (enough that the difference is probably statistical error).

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