This is just thrown up as an experiment to see how fast I could do it. It will be cleaned up and the URL will change…
But for now, here are my Baycon pictures.
Share and Enjoy
This is just thrown up as an experiment to see how fast I could do it. It will be cleaned up and the URL will change…
But for now, here are my Baycon pictures.
Share and Enjoy
Well, it worked
my computer is slow, and wishes not to labour upon the bandwidth of thy pictures, but the page is there…
I wanted more pictures of Rachel in her new corset (though all of the pictures are lovely. You know me, never satisfied.)
The Rachel picture was my last shot right before I left the con which was awhile after I should have and needed to leave the con. It was a great shot and I was under orders to to share it with anyone until after last friday.
So any other shots you want are up to you to take, oh un-satisfied one.
BTW, your request for the plough pictures has been granted. As you know, they are up too.
OH WoooHooo!
Yay BayCon pictures!!
(I don’t have an lj account, so I’m posting anonymously, except that I’m ruining the whole anonymity thing by immediately telling you that I’m Robynne. Hi.)
Thank you for taking lots of pictures. I hate carrying a camera so I never take any, although I love having pictures. Especially of all the costumes. I somehow missed Death & Delirium entirely when I was at the con – they were so cute!
Would you mind if I posted a link to the picture of the back of my weird bustle dress on the WELL? I don’t have a good picture of the back, or even a good picture of the print.
Re: Yay BayCon pictures!!
You are welcome to copies of the picture files. I don’t have an email address for you. I think we are still in the process of linking it together. You can get an eddress for me from my website (at the bottom).
Death and Delirium were caught on the Party floor on Sunday. Didn’t see them anywhere else.
Post a link and enjoy. I think it will stay there for awhile so it is safe to do so. You are also welcome to download copies. Share and Enjoy is my motto (points if you recognize the quote).
If you want an LJ account, I think I can hook you up through. You met her at Gaskell’s
Re: Yay BayCon pictures!!
Actually, some work is going to be done on that page so a link may not last long.
Use this link instead.