Another list about The Gina

Gotten from snakefeathers who got it from geecat and phoebek


– Name: Gina
– Birthdate: Nov 10 1965
– Birthplace: St Paul Minn
– Current Location: Bezerkeley, CA
– Eye Color: grey Blue
– Hair Color: Many but originally brown
– Height: 6′
– Righty or Lefty: Right
– Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
– Enneagram: 7 (I think, might be a 4 or have 4-like tendencies)


– Your heritage: English with a little German and a little French. About as white bread as you can get
– The shoes you wore today: These wonderful sandals friends of mine got me in Thailand
– Your weakness: Many. Today I think I will choose Discipline
– Your fears: Another Many. Today’s favorite is: Unprepared for change
– Your perfect pizza: Dad’s pizza with fennel. My toppings include Cheese, canned mushroom, ham or bacon
– Goal you’d like to achieve: To have goals to work towards, to figure out what I want


– Your most overused phrase on Yahoo: ;)
– Your thoughts first waking up: Do I really need to get up? How many times have I hit snooze?
– Your best physical feature: My legs and my height
– Your bedtime: Aim for 10pm
– Your most missed memory: Many. Today’s top favorite is Mulberry bushes


– Pepsi or Coke: Fresca, that whole sugar-free, caffeine-free and tastes like it should thing.
– McDonald’s or Burger King: Micky-D’s, I so appreciate the basics that are always what I expect. When I can’t eat anything else, I usually can eat a cheeseburger and fries. And with my food issues, that means a lot to me.
– Single or group dates: I am willing
– Adidas or Nike: $5 Ked copies from Rite-Aid all the way
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Chaos brand, but since that doesn’t seem to exist anymore, Snapple
– Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate, vanilla is good as French vanilla, otherwise it is a topping holder.
– Cappuccino or coffee: Since I like the smell of coffee but can’t stand the taste… Mocha


– Smoke: Nope, don’t even like to be around it
– Cuss: Situational from not at all to very much. Sadly, I have been made aware that it has been creeping into my workplace. Need to but stop to that.
– Sing: Yes, when I feel like it. Usually to entertain myself
– Take a shower everyday: Ever other usually
– Have a crush(es): Yep. There are cuties out there
– Do you think you’ve been in love: Yes
– Want to go to college: Been a couple of times. I fit in well there.
– Want to get married: Nope. I feel like I have the skills to really screw up a marriage. Wouldn’t mind finding something else.
– Believe in yourself: For the most part
– Get motion sickness: More so every year
– Think you’re attractive: I can be
– Think you’re a health freak: My body forces me into this one and I fight it every day
– Get along with your parents: For the most part when they are far away
– Like thunderstorms: Oh yes, and lighting storms and rain storms.
– Play an instrument: I use to pretend to play French Horn in Elementary school and Trombone in Jr High but they had this annoying habit of expecting me to *shudder* Practice.

LAYER SIX: In the past month…

– Drank alcohol: Nope, it has a large affect on me now
– Smoked: Bleck
– Done a drug: Guessing it would have a larger affect than alcohol and I don’t want to go there
– Had Sex: :)
– Made Out: :)
– Gone on a date: :)
– Gone to the mall?: Yep, a Canadian Mall in Vancouver. I am happy about this.
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, but I have had a couple of coconut macaroons when I shouldn’t have
– Eaten sushi: Bleck
– Gone skating: Haven’t in years
– Made homemade cookies: Nope
– Gone skinny dipping: nope
– Dyed your hair: yep
– Stolen anything: nope


– Played a game that required removal of clothing: Sadly no. I have lived a deprived life *sigh*
– If so, was it mixed company: See above
– Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Probably a yes to this but it wasn’t from a foreign substance. I have trashed myself by running on full energy until there was nothing left. I had wonderful friends at the time that would sweep me up and put me back together so I could do it again.
– Been caught “doing something”: Don’t think so
– Been called a tease: Yep, and I like it
– Gotten beaten up: Nope, I run for help at the drop of the hat so it never gotten that far.
– Shoplifted: nope
– Changed who you were to fit in: Always, but it is always a variation of me


– Age you hope to be married: Never
– Numbers and Names of Children: Never
– Describe your dream wedding: Wedding would be nice but it comes with a marriage and I want to skip that
– How do you want to die: Soon, painlessly, quickly
– Where you want to go to college: Been there, done that
– What do you want to be when you grow up: Happy
– What country would you most like to visit: If I can teleport: Europe

LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl…

– Best eye color?
– Best hair color?
– Short or long hair:
– Height:
– Best weight:
– Best articles of clothing:
– Best first date location:
– Best first kiss location:

This is silly. None of these are important and it sad that this could be a list of what to look for in someone.


– Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
– Number of people I could trust with my life: a few, most of my friends.
– Number of CDs that I own: 30-40, I am just starting
– Number of piercings: 3
– Number of tattoos: 0, I can’t think of anything I want on my body for the rest of my life and it might interfere with my ability to change
– Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Newsletters a few times I guess. Maybe in my Grandparent’s anniversary notice (have a granddaughter blah blah blah…)
– Number of scars on my body: 1 with stitch marks on my finger, a slice on my thigh, one on my belly, one somewhere under my hair on my head
– Number of things in my past that I regret: I try not to remember my regrets. Most things I have regretted I have been able to find something good that came of it so it was worthwhile. My experiences for good and for bad have made me who I am and that is what I have to deal with now.

2 thoughts on “Another list about The Gina

  1. “Number of scars on my body: 1 with stitch marks on my finger…”

    I remember that trip to the ER!!! The only time I’ve watched someone get stitches and not gotten queasy or passed out! All thanks to the Deli at the Sheraton DTC! :P

    Weird… I had forgotten about that incident until just now!

    1. Glad to provide you a reminder :)

      Oh, I remember this one clearly. From the slicing my finger open with pickle juice covered knife to having someone get a hold of you at Denny’s at 2:30 am to you asking to borrow my mother’s wedding ring because it had to come off and you thought it was cool.

      I kinda like the scar because it has stitch marks like the scar on Captain Harlock’s and Emeraldas’s faces (anime).

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