Ok, now it f***ing hurts. The splint was fine but now that it is in the cast, I have started taking the drugs they gave me in the emergency room. The cast pushes against the broken and swollen bits and hurts like hell. Sleeping is bad. I start to move my foot because the position it is in hurts and then I realize I can’t move the foot inside the cast and the pain will follow me whatever I do and then I start to panic. It sucks.
I am guessing I was a little too excited about getting an old fashion cast to draw on. It is the thing that is hurting. It should get better once the swelling goes down. The problem with that is that when I have it elevated above my head, it hurts more and doesn’t feel right. My toes go numb and things start to sting. It feels better when I put it back down on the floor. It is a weight bearing cast and I can put a little of my weight on it but there is no way I can step on it for any amount of time.
It is interesting to find that the vicodine doesn’t do much. It helps a little with the pain. I am not sure what else is suppose to be good about it that people worry about taking it. The Motrin pretty much takes away all the pain and I think it is about as harmful as aspirin when it comes to addiction issues. I guess this is more of my body weirdness. The hallucinogenic drugs don’t do a thing to me but the smell of pot gets to me. It takes a lot of valium to affect me and it still isn’t enough but very little clonapan (same family, they gave it to me for my eyes) loops me out. Strong stuff = little affect, mild stuff = large affect. I am a statistical anomaly.
I am home again tomorrow. I have taken care of (mostly) the class I am trying to take and had to miss last night. I have Friday off for the wedding this weekend. I still need to go to the DMV to get a handicap placard which I will do when I close up the computer. Weeee
Still an adventure but it is wearing thin.
It sounds possible that your cast is not fitting correctly. Have you spoke to your doctor about your discomfort?
Such adventures do wear thin very quickly and then they are exposed as the sort of nasty event they really are…sorry you are hurting. Perhaps the wedding will be a good distraction?
I’m sorry you’re hurting, my friend. I wouldn’t spend too much time lamenting the choice of cast-type, though. I’ve had plaster-&-cotton, and I’ve had the strange epoxy-thread-weave (surely not the correct term, but I don’t know what is). Each one gave me the same level of discomfort/aggravation/pain as the other.
And I’m with you on the vicodin thing. I had cause to discover two weekends ago that vicodin and my body don’t even connect, much less communicate. After taking the silly thing, not only was my pain unaffected, but if anything, I progressively became more and more awake. ‘Course, I had the excitement of a con swirling through my noggin, so that could have had a lot to do with the awake-ness thing.
I hope your pain begins diminishing soon.
I don’t know about casts, but I’m pretty sure your foot is not supposed to hurt constantly. I would contact your doctor if it continues.
Different people, different drug interactions, as you know. Vicodine to me was also nothing more than a “big does of aspirin”. I was kinda looking forward to it affecting me more seriously when I did take it.
When you contact your doctor about the cast, also talk to him about your drug interactions. It could be that they have something better suited to your body chemistry.
agree with other commenters re: contacting your doctor if pain continues; I personally would recommend not elevating above your HEAD per se but try to have it even with your hips as much as possible… anything that makes it even a bit easier for blood to circulate should be helpful… also I think what borderlad says about it getting better when teh swelling goes down is probably right.
I mean, you broke off a piece of yourself. It’s gonna hurt. Then, with help from doctors, you being gentle with it, and your own body’s healing process, it will hurt a little less. Eventually.
I’m sorry you hurt. I hope it feels less painful, and soon. I know it sucks (have dislocated foot once and serious knee sprains twice), and I know you probably feel a bit helpless (I sure did) while it hurts and it’s hard to get around, and for me one of the suckiest parts was asking other people for help…
All I can say is, keep breathing, keep treating yourself as kindly as you can, ask for help when you need it (best you can), and you have to give it time.
K. I shut up now, and just send some healing thoughts your way.
OMG. I just saw this and had to find the previous post, because I Missed It.
I’m glad you’re okay and that you’re being cared for.
Let me know if you need anything.
The last time I took a vicodine derivative it wasn’t so much that I stopped hurting, it was that I stopped caring. About everything. I was happy just to float along with life with not a care in the world and no expectations. People spend a lifetime meditating trying to get to that spot. I loved it.
I got off of it as fast as I could. That’s just… unnatural.