The current political situation

I will say she (Sarah Palin) gives good Speech and she looks good while doing it. But it sends shivers through me.

I loved the America that I lived in the day after the Towers came down. People worked together. Differences were put aside. There was Unity even with all the differences the public embodies.

Then the Fear stepped in. The government started looking for ways to make America look strong. And we jumped into a “war” with Iraq. If you said you didn’t like the president or what the government was doing, you were labeled unpatriotic and that was a sin. If you didn’t support the “war” then you didn’t support the men and women fighting for your freedoms (question: how are they fighting for the freedoms in America if they are in Iraq? They are fighting for Iraq things, not America things). And many other things that I don’t like and don’t feel good about.

I feel that Obama is closer to the former than the latter. He seems to be a man that is interested in uniting people for the betterment of all. If you disagree with him, he will listen to your point of view and either explain why he thinks his is better or will change his mind.

Listening to the small bit of Sarah Palin’s speech, I saw that she was of the latter and there was no touch of the former. There was the feeling of returning to when America was the strong one on the global stage instead of America working with everyone else on the global stage. That talking with people that have issues with us is a bad thing and shows that we are weak.

There are a number of choices and attitudes of hers that I don’t like but I would point out that she has a right to those decisions and the consequences. I am fine with that. I don’t feel that she would allow me the same right to make my own decisions. That her values are the ones that will be enforced on everyone if she could.

Before her speech I was leaning toward Obama but wouldn’t be upset if McCain won. Now there is no way I would vote for the Republican candidate and it would hurt if McCain won. I am saddened that there are Americans that will vote the Republican ticket because the other choice is a Black Man, there is a pretty woman on the ticket, Obama’s middle name is Hussein, it is a way to get Family Values forced on the public, it is a way to bring Christianity into government.

I really dislike the spin the pro-republicans are putting on Obama. I have seen stuff written that compares him obliquely to Fidel Castro. There is all the silly internet rumors that scarily some people (especially my parent’s generation) actually believe hook, line and sinker. I don’t think I have seen anti-McCain spin like that out there. I will admit that could be because of where I live and the attitudes I am surrounded with. But it does seem like the Obama side is acting with integrity. And I love Paris Hilton’s approach.

Normally I try really hard not to get involved or know much about the presidential elections until right before the vote. If I don’t, I start to care and then it becomes a very emotionally charged trigger for me. Don’t expect me to be reasonable about this from now on. There is not really any room for debate anymore. This post is more to state my attitudes and where I am than to open conversations. I admire people like that probably because I am not a person like that. I can discuss things and work things out really well, until it becomes emotional. I will not argue.

10 thoughts on “The current political situation

  1. Yeah, I know the feeling. McCain’s running mate choice caused my opinion to go from being, “Well, whichever way it goes, we’ll be better off than we are now.” to wanting to keep that woman as far away from the presidency as possible.

  2. I was an Obama or Hillary person from the begining McCain even before his VP choice is too much teh big bully and brat for me..he picked Palin nto because she was the best choice but because the good old boys gave him unending grief over his first he picked her out of spite..AND to make those woman who can’t seem to think for themselves even in 2008 think that Palin will be just as good as Clintin.

    Clinton will not try and tell me that if I am raped or a victim of incest and become pregnant I must have the child anyway..Palin will. Look it up her prolife stance is HORRIFYING! The woman makes me sick to my stomach so now not only am I opposed to McCain I am for the first time in my life terrified about what that woman will try and do should she become VP of this nation. Makes my head spin with fury…

  3. Strange Bedfellows

    Honestly I’m not moved to vote for their major party this cycle. More so than ever before. Look at the voting records, there is hardly a dime’s worth of difference.
    Obama is the MOST socialist candidate ina long time – and that frightens me.
    McCain is campagaining as if he has not spend the last six years spending my tax money like a drunken sailor, and that angers me just as much.

    Okay, politics has never made me popular – I tend to be slightly to the right of ROnald Regad – so I’ll close with a link

    1. Re: Strange Bedfellows

      Interesting that you say that, because I’m a socialist, and Obama is much more centrist than I’d prefer.

      Regarding taxes: Obama’s plan will save you $900 a year in taxes. McCain’s will save you $200. According to McCain, this means Obama will raise your taxes. No, I’m not sure how that works, either.

  4. “If you disagree with him, he will listen to your point of view and either explain why he thinks his is better or will change his mind.”

    Yes, this is what I like. He seems very down to earth and like a regular guy, somebody you can talk to.

    I agree that the spin put on Obama is ludicrious. I get all the crap e-mail forwards talking about how horrible he is, lol. I have to say, though, I’ve seen some pretty ridiculous things said on the Democratic side as well. I really wish each side could just see the other as human, rather than demonizing them. This is why I’m an independent. : D

    What was Paris Hilton’s approach?

    “Normally I try really hard not to get involved or know much about the presidential elections until right before the vote.” – Ha, a woman after my own heart! This time I’ve really tuned out until just lately. Many of my family members, as well as the guy I was seeing awhile back, are aggressively conservative. It gets old, so tuning out seemed to be the best route, at least until the field and issues were narrowed down a bit. Now I’m becoming more informed.

  5. sweet

    Goth Bunny, so nice to know I’m not the only one that pays attention to silly things like “how have they voted???”

    I would so like a different choice that could win!

    I’m still undecided whether I’ll vote for a president or not.. I’ll turn it in voting for everything else, we’ve got some important stuff coming up in CA. But I may vote no confidence for Pres. Just not sure.

  6. Lose – Lose – Lose situation…

    Well, for my part I’m mostly agnostic when it comes to politics as well as religion. Both, when fully organized tend to become so overwhelmingly self-serving that it becomes difficult to separate the problem from the solution.

    If we vote for either of the two major party candidates, we get the party right along with it and we lose. If we vote for another candidate, regardless of what people think about ‘making a statement’ (yes, just in my humble opinion) it just gets lost in all the noise of the ‘Big Two’.

    If I had answers on how to fix it, I would gladly give them. But unfortunately I don’t see any simple way out of the mess without causing more harm than good. Until both parties return to a more moderate view in general, partisan politics will be the rule, not exception.

  7. For what it’s worth, I don’t think McCain/Palin will win. I think Obama’s got it this time. At the moment, McCain has 224 electoral votes, while Obama is polling with 301. It’s a razor-thin margin in some states, but McCain will have to win a *lot* of them in order to turn the election, and I don’t think he will, especially because new voters have registered in record numbers for the Democrats.

    See for a nice map of the situation.

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