Filter question

I have had the attitude that anyone wanting to read what I write is welcome to. Then I switched to a Friends Only mode pretty much because my family members were becoming aware of blogs and I didn’t want to have to worry about them finding mine. I would still add people that wanted to read and not worry about filters.

Lately I have been thinking about it some more. I have a number of people that know me very casually and probably don’t want to be weighing through the emotional crap that has been surfacing recently. I did a cut-tag of the last two entries so that those that are not interested can skim on by. I don’t think that works overly well. I don’t want to chase people away with the melodrama that is my life at this moment or have their views on me colored by only the dark I am in that will affect they way they avoid me when we meet in person.

I still plan on putting the thoughtful posts on how things work and inter-relationships out into the friends-only open level. But the stuff that is more of a status on where I am and what I am going through, I think should be behind a filter. I know some people get some good out of knowing that others are going through the same stuff, some appreciate a different point of view on something they have never experienced, some get entertainment, and some care about what is up with me. And there could be other reasons.

I have ideas on who would be interested in being in the filter and who would like to be out but I want feedback from the people I am doing this for.

So my request is that everyone from my friends list (especially the lurkers) give me a “yay” or “nay” or “whatever” to being included on the Sensitive Materials filter.

Edit: comments are now screened

32 thoughts on “Filter question

  1. I’m interested because I think you’re a neat person. I don’t know you very well, but it does seem like there’s commonality, or kindredness, or potential for same. Anyway, point is, filter me as you’re comfortable; you make thoughtful posts, and I’ll read whatever you think is appropriate.

  2. I enjoy reading your posts. I think you’re a very insightful person and I can often find similarities between what’s going on in your head and what’s going on in mine. I’ll be glad to read whatever you see fit for me to read.

  3. I think we can safely say at this point that I’m here for the long haul, no matter WHAT you post about.
    I love all of you – even the dark bits. :)


      1. I have many friends with limited spoons so I am very familiar with the theory. Sometimes I try the approach of conserving spoons.

        But mine is different. It is more of a grade, like uphill and downhill. When things are good inside me, everything is downhill and doing things adds to the energy stores. When things are bad inside me, everything (and I mean everything) is uphill and moving in any direction takes energy away. Even staying still, I slide backwards.

        Lately, my sliding feels like it is putting under quicksand and I don’t want to bother trying to find a way out.

        The good of the con was that I got fed what I needed without it being an effort on mine or anyone else’s part. When I got back, everything was work again and in comparison, it seems like much harder work. The only thing that isn’t work is…well…work. Once I show up, if they have something for me to do, it generally is ok.

        I know you are in it for the long haul. And I am glad of that knowledge.

  4. Honey I may not alway respond but I do want to know how you are doing, known you for too long not too!

    TO quote Hoggle: “And should you ever need us.” I’ll be here for ya!

  5. Well, it’s a blessing and serendipity that I stole the time to read LJ tonight and ran across this. As others have said, as long as you’re willing to share, I’m willing to “listen”. Lots of times I’ve nothing useful to add and just lurk. Sometimes you strike a nerve and get the rush of words from me. Always, whether spoken or unspoken, you have my friendship, caring, concern, good wishes and pots of hugs! :D

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