50 Things

I haven’t been too happy with my life lately so when I read the post by mertuil and striga about their 50 things that make them happy, I could only come up with things that I didn’t like. Then, one morning, a couple of things I liked popped into my head.

I figured this would be a good exercise to improve my attitude and I began to write them out. It took a day or so and I think I had exactly 50 when I finally transcribed them into electronic format. I have done some revision, moving like ones into one, adding a few that were missed. This has turned out no so much a list of things that make me happy but things that speak to my inner core. Sometimes they make me happy, sometimes they settle me down, sometimes they make the world come out right, sometimes they put that extra sparkle on everything. There are many more things that I like and can make me happy but they don’t fit into the same category. What amazed me is how few things overlapped with the lists that I read.

Without further ado, my 50 Things (in alphabetical order)

50 Things
Being pampered
Being read to
Being useful/needed/making people happy (within moderation)
Body rubs (foot, back, head, face, etc.)
Clean house
Costuming/Dressing up
Cute guys/Well dressed men (thank you Gaskells)
Feeling cared about
Finding solutions
Fluffy cloud prints
Good tv shows – and discussing them w/ friends
Gothic architecture
Grandma’s green beans
Green luscious plants (being surrounded by)
Having everything I want/need
Having my hair played with
Having options
Holding court/Having people interested in my stories
Human skulls
Learning things
Playing w/ puppies
Pressed paper – art
Riding motorcycles
Surreal art
The sci fi con bubble (you have to know cons to understand this one)
Time w/ friends
Touching/being touched (appropriately of course)
Untangling things (cords, christmas lights, chains, yarn, etc.)
Weeping willows

6 thoughts on “50 Things

  1. pretty cool list… :)

    Weirdly enough, whenever I think of Pomeranians, I think of your Mom… Maybe because your Mom’s house was the first place I ever saw them – and learned what they were called! :)

    I’ll have to try this – just as soon as I get finished w/ the 100 things list – I was at 55 last I checked…lol!

    1. I am still hooked on those silly dogs. The ones you remember were Tickles and Feather. After that we had Sugar, Smokey, and Copper. Mom would have one now if she didn’t live in Bali and have to leave every six months.

      It is what I would have if I had a pet. Not the little ones, but the big versions. Not that the big versions are anything but furry footballs on legs.


    1. The “bubble” is what we call the version of reality that exists during the con. If you stay in the hotel, you stay in the bubble and spend the entire weekend in an alternative reality where we are “normal”. If you leave and return to the “real world”, you pop the bubble and it takes time and effort to readjust to the con reality. Of course, the bubble doesn’t build very well when the hotel is too big for the con and you have to share it with other groups, like weddings, cheerleaders, etc. The alternative reality is challenged over and over.

      That is the scifi con bubble

  2. So, what do mulberries taste like? The only context I have for mulberries is that silkworms eat the leaves. Are they yummy? I don’t even know what they look like, so I’ve created my own mental image of a sort of deep magenta-blueberry-like thing.

    1. We had a mulberry tree in our yard when I was 3-6 years old. Remind me sometime to tell you the story about the Play, the band-aid, and the mulberry tree. It is one of K’s favorite stories of mine.
      I haven’t had a mulberry since we moved. Only the fragrance in things like candles. I am working on it.
      If my memory is close, they look like raspberries/blackberries. I remember loving them and I want to find them again.


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