The Silicon Program Book has finally been put to bed. I have been working on it non-stop this entire week.
Oh my ghods I am tired. I am having trouble moving my fingers correctly and my feet correctly. I have gotten very clumsy. I have to put concentration into things that use to be second nature. I have ended up bleeding from my toe and my nose. Feh.
Now I get to move onto Baycon’s website. Sure would be nice if they didn’t clump up like this. I try to keep them spread out but people drag their feet and I end up with a traffic jam all at the same time.
I am beginning to give up on my idea that I can actually affect a change and have thing happen at a more reasonable time. It is looking like it is not in my power and no matter how much energy I put in, it will keep happening the same way again and again. I think I may have to toss in the towel because I can not continue to work this way.
Now I get to move onto Baycon’s website. Sure would be nice if they didn’t clump up like this. I try to keep them spread out but people drag their feet and I end up with a traffic jam all at the same time.
Alas, because the occurence of another Con is usually the reason for a deadline, this kind of stuff always clumps.
Actually this one is unrelated to another con coming up. I didn’t even list the issues with the Baycon ad that had to go into the program book and the work I had to do on it since the two are tied together.
The different con issue is people dragging their feet, not replying to their email until after I have made a decision and moved on it. Then it becomes a crisis and everything has to stop to fix it.
I could have waited for making the baycon website live for another week or so (if not longer) but I had been actively pushing for feedback from people for three weeks and finally got a “We are Go” officially so I ran it in the background while working on Silicon. There was no request to have it live by the time another con happened.
Since it was live on Sept 18 I thought it would be great to promote it on Talk Like a Pirate Day but no. There were edits that had to be done before we let anyone see the site even though it was live and those edits should have been given to me two weeks before. They were minor edits and could have been incorporated in a few days since that is how I designed the site. But I do not have the authority to say so and we missed a cool chance. Again. Grrr Bark Bark.
Me bitter? Worn out? Tired of it all? How could anyone think that?
I love doing the work. I hate the pulling the teeth part and Baycon is all about pulling teeth. It might be all conventions and in the roles I have taken on recently, there is teeth pulling and I don’t think there should be.