Head hurts

This is the third day in a row that I am taking pain meds for the fact that my head hurts and anything moving on my screen (like animated gifs) makes it hurt worse. I know it is related to my neck and back and tension there. If anything it got worse after the ergonomic evaluation.

I have a new chair but the arms are driving me nuts. They are due to come off but I don’t know when. And of course when you go through an ergonomic eval you tend to try to sit up more afterwards and do exercises to help with keeping yourself upright and I think that is adding into the pain of it all.

Then again, maybe the fact that pretty much every night for the last two weeks I eat either chocolate pudding or chocolate cake might be part of it. I feel I need the numbness it brings about and I use it as an enticement to actually go home and eat. Sometimes other things get added sometimes they don’t. More real food is getting added as time goes on so this is good.

Hmmm I was just going to rant about my neck causing me head to hurt and while writing this I remembered the sugar issue. Guess it is a good thing to rant once in a while.

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