Yet another surgery update

I am home. Today has been bad. I haven’t gotten any better and actually fell back a couple of steps. I am finding out that this surgery (tonsils and softpallet) is much harder on adults than on kids. I didn’t hear that before the surgery so my planning is a little off.

I did play the fight game with Kaiser and got a stronger med that I can feel good about taking. They wanted to give me a particular drug that I think will make me feel sick and since my main worry is getting enough fluids and food into me that would be counter productive. I called a friend that is a doctor for med info and I called the pharmacy to find out the actual content of the possible drugs to see if they would cause the affect I was worried about and I got a different nurse when I didn’t hear back from the first one. Damn that first nurse so didn’t listen on so many things. I am very grateful for the second one who gave me all the information I wanted and talked with the dr over and over for me. I probably got more attention than I deserved but if they didn’t start out so badly, I wouldn’t have had to go so far to take care of things. I have had good service at Kaiser but when they start treating you like you are just a list of things to check off and a box to be stuck into, then starting to throw a hissy fit works with making them actually listen to you. It is a little like Baycon last year when emergencies where the only things taken seriously. I don’t like working that way but I am learning how to recognize it and work with that system.

I had to wait until Chris got home from work to get the drugs. That was not easy/well done. I was tapped out from dealing with the hoops from Kaiser and didn’t want to take my current meds because I would be piling the new ones on top of them. I got the new ones and thank goodness they are pills. I can swallow pills better than liquid and the doctors/nurses can’t seem to grok that. I also got something for the stomach acid that my all sugary diet is causing. I took the low end dose of the new stuff and when I found I couldn’t talk any better because of the pain, I took half a dose of the old stuff too.

Chris then packed my things in the car and drove me home. On the way we could start to tell the drugs were actually taking affect. My speech started to veer off in odd directions (more so than usual) and I couldn’t remember things and now I am feeling a little fuzzy around the edges. This is good. This is what I was waiting for and wanting.

It looks like I have another week of recovery. This time at the level I thought this last week should be. It is turning out to be a big deal for me not to be alone. I am home alone tonight. A friend is coming over for the day tomorrow. I have an offer to stay in San Jose for the weekend with Ken again. I just have to figure out a way back south Friday night. I have a possibility with a friend but she has been pretty fried and this might be more than she would be comfortable with. I need to figure out what to do during the week. I am not a happy camper about this. I don’t like asking people to take care of me. I feel bad about it especially since I can’t return the favor. It would drive me nuts to do for someone else what I am having done for me. I can do it for short term like a day or two. I can put a lot of energy into someone in the hospital. But the ongoing wait on someone hand and foot would really eat my goat. I am hoping that I can do something for them in return that is one of my skills and has value for them just for balance sake. I know I don’t “owe” them, I just want to be able to add to the coffer. Besides, that way they might be willing to do it again if necessary. :)

7 thoughts on “Yet another surgery update

  1. on a completely unrelated note, there’s a free episode of Jeff Foxworthy’s new show (yet -another- new show) on iTunes. This one’s a variety show with musical country guests.

  2. I’m willing and able to lend a helping hand next week. I’m not going to be home until kinda late tonight and will be home late again tomorrow. I’ll be around all day on Sunday working on ‘s costume for BayCon.

    You’re close and I don’t mind at all. Drop me a note and LMK. With our new corporate masters, they monitor the time spent on the web, so my direct email at work is best: dohare(at)craworlddotcom.

  3. Hey (this is the-freak-formerly-known-as-, aka HeatherLyn, Andrew’s friend)…just wanted to say hi, and glad that you’ve gotten some better drugs. Hope it’s Percocet or something equally nice!

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, and plenty of energy.

  4. depending on timeframe and when I come back from Sacramento (and whether I can finish my tattoo on Monday) I might be able to at the least come and visit, I will still be on leave from work and doing something new and distracting would be good. My cell phone is (sacramento area code) three nine seven four five one five, call me sometime Sunday afternoon and lemme know if you’d like or need a visitor/helper-outer.

    1. I appreciate the offer but it seems odd. We hardly know each other and this seems like something done for close friends so I am confused.

      From your LJ it sounds like you are taking quite a hit yourself. I don’t know if that means you need to pull your energy into yourself or if it would be useful to find something else to do to be distracting.

      Since I was asleep until at least 6pm on Sunday, I sort of missed your suggested time to call. If you are intersted in visiting, it would probably be a good thing for me. I have appointments on Tue and a friend checking in on me after work on Monday. Other than that, I have no idea what is going on.

      You can give me a call at (berkeley area code) six-four-nine-seven-nine-three-nine. (it is amazing what we do to pass info over the net but in code. It was so weird typing out the full name of those numbers.)

      If nothing else, thanks for the offer.

      1. yeah, I guess it might be a weird thing to do (me offering, I mean) but it kind of feels like everyone has been so kind and supportive to me lately, I’d like to Pay it Forward… and you are cool and I have meant for years to get to talk more with you, so *shrug*… let’s see what happens.

        I’m up late tonight, will be trying to get my car fixed tomorrow, in El Cerrito, will ping you either once I am vertical and caffeinated or just after lunch.

        and you are welcome, for the offer. *wry grin*

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