2007 resolutions meme

In 2007, shipofools999 resolves to…
Buy new geeks.
Ask my boss for a labyrinth.
Become a better aqua.
Lose ten hugs by March.
Give up storytelling.
Start a seduction fund.
Get your own New Year’s Resolutions:

Had to because it was so … so… odd?

Buy new geeks. Do I have pay for them? Waaaaa
Ask my boss for a labyrinth. That would be an interesting conversation.
Become a better aqua. Become a better Water? I have been a lot of Air lately and might be a little too much Earth, maybe more Water would be a good idea.
Lose ten hugs by March. Feel like this one is already taken care of and I can’t afford to lose any more.
Give up storytelling. Never!!!
Start a seduction fund. Would be nice,… except,… again I have to pay for it? Waaaaaa

The only one that makes any kind of positive sense is Become a better aqua and given that the others are not really positive, maybe I should just skip them all.

7 thoughts on “2007 resolutions meme

  1. Maybe to “lose” a hug means to give hugs away to those you feel need one?

    A seduction fund might be more of a investment in “party favors” then a paying for it kinda thing. :)

    1. I was directly confronted with the concept that I had taken on too much Earth. It made a lot of sense and it was soon after this that I made the most.

      I realize it is hard for you to grok that there can be something as too much of a good thing but for others it is true.

      I was likened to a brisk breath of fresh air clearing out the miasma in people’s lives. But it was good because I came and I went. I would clear out and move on instead of sticking around and making it cold.

      When I was focusing on grounding, I was likened to a juggernaut plowing through letting nothing stop me and leaving devastation behind. I could see where this was fitting and I do realize I need balance. I do need grounding but need to learn how to handle it since it is so against my basic nature.

      Sure is nice to be associated with rock though. :)

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