Because of my excessive issues (nice way of saying whinings) about Heat, some people think I like Cold more. Yes and no.
My initial discomfort with cold is the same as with heat. I don’t like it. Both extremes really bother me. I don’t warm up easily. I don’t usually complain about it because there are things I can do about it to make it better whereas for cold, my options are very limited.
When I am cold I can put on more clothes, I can eat/drink something warm, I can do some sort of exercise to get my blood moving, I can take a hot shower, I have little heaters that once they warm me up I stay warmed up. I don’t ever turn on the heat in my place and I am lucky enough that it doesn’t really ever get below 60 degrees.
When I try to do anything to cool down, it usually is a very temporary measure and I heat up again soon after. If there was something I could do that would be the equivalent to running in place to warm up but for cooling down, that would be useful. But there is only so much sitting and doing nothing can accomplish in the cooling department. It is like there are only so much clothing you can take off to cool down. You get to just skin pretty quickly.
So over all I have as many problems with cold as I do hot, I just have many more options to solving them and therefore I rather be cold than hot.
ROTFLOL. I used to say EXACTLY the same thing (I think my quote was “there’s only so much naked I can be”).
Then I went to Michigan, where cold takes on an entirely new, unmitigatable meaning, and cold became more *painful* than hot (which is just annoying really but doesn’t make me HURT).
Iceland too. In February. Not my brightest idea ever.