Not a family Xmas

I am not a big fan of Dec 25th. It has grown into a too big of a deal for me to be comfortable with it. It seems like the entire world closes down and everyone I know is busy doing something with family or friends. I usually try to fast forward through the day.

I am wondering what others that are not doing the “typical” holiday gathering thing have as ideas.

9 thoughts on “Not a family Xmas

  1. I have no particular plans for the 25th. Potentially stay home and watch football, sleep in and just generally do nothing. Maybe even clean, as I’ll still be in post-Dickens recovery mode.

    Movie theaters are usually open, though, so there’s always that option.

    Note: “Mrs. Parker and the Viscious Circle” is not an especially uplifting Christmas movie.

  2. December 25th

    This year I’m obligated to spend a few hours with my family. But after Hubby and I are heading to the mountains to enjoy winter alone.
    December 25th has traditionally be a great day to catch a movie and have good chinese food. There is a place in LA called Shalom Hunan that is usually booked solid on Christmas and Easter, but I’m sure there is someplace like that up north too.
    A word of warning ot avoid depression . . . make sure your grocery shopping is done. While some places are open, trying to get eggs, milk, cereal and such is a BITCH on Dec. 25.

  3. Talk to Johanna. She usually hosts an SF-themed potluck at her dad’s place and spends the day watching movies with friends and eating copious amounts of food. IIRC, this year’s theme is Dr. Who or maybe it’s Torchwood.

  4. Christmas for people that don’t really celebrate

    When I was growing up, the big family day for the Christmas season was always Christmas Eve. This left Christmas day as a sort of clean up and chill day, oh and turkey was had that day as well. As I got older I realized that Christmas is really mostly for kids . . . it was fun so long as I got to spend it with someone I cared about that was 16 or younger.
    Recently it turns out to be a day to go catch up on movie watching or if the weather was right, to go to Tahoe and spend ENTIRELY too much money on lift tickets to slide down a snow covered mountain on two long flat pieces of wood and plastic strapped to my feet while attempting to wildly avoid crazy and often stupid people who are in my way.

  5. Everyone else in the household will be down in the Bay Area for familial obligations, so it’s going to be me, a bunch of cats, and… yeah.

    I plan on stocking up on food I can fix for myself, and having a quiet time through the end of December. Actually… I’ll be spending a LOT of this month at home, alone. Personally- I’m trying to not think about it in a negative way. I have projects to work on, and a warm, dry, comfortable home- and Netflix!

  6. * watch a marathon of shows
    * bake cookies or some other such nummilicious smelling food
    * sleep with the other cats in the sunshine

    this year, I will have my son… I haven’t had him on xmas in a few years… and I am in the I-don’t-know-what-to-do-and-I-still-haven’t-decorated-yet mode for it.

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