Since my Neurologist can’t figure out what is wrong with my dizzy spells and the world looking like it is shaking and the Ophthalmologist can’t figure it out, I got sent to the Neuro-Ophthalmologist. It seems that the only one is in Kaiser is in Santa Clara. An 11am appt opened up with two days notice and since they had no openings on the entire schedule, I jumped on it. This meant that I had to take the day off for the appointment.
The Santa Clara Kaiser campus was a bit of an issue because I was concerned about running into someone that I don’t know where things stand and the extremely close to the home of someone else who I don’t know how we will be around each other. I did a lot of passing by where friends of mine live and mentally saying hi. Sometimes I am amazed by how many people I am connected to in the South Bay.
I spend an hour there and didn’t get much out of it. Everything he could think of, I already had a test that ruled it out.
It might be MS but it doesn’t show up on the scans and typically it would have gotten much worse in the 5 year I had this issue. So MS is doubtful.
It might be mini-migraines of the non-headache variety. Again with the doubtful but a possibility.
Basically unless I can figure out how to trigger them, how to stop them or anything that influences them besides stress making them more frequent or they get worse, there isn’t anything the doctors can do to figure them out.
But I did get confirmation by a specialist that when I am experiencing one, that my eyes are rock steady.
Personally, I think it is just that I take tests well.
Since I was in the South Bay anyway, I took Ken up on his offer to take me out to lunch for my birthday (which is tomorrow).
That evening I visited with emberleo to work out some details on trying out this Soul Reclamation thing of hers. It is one of those things I don’t even think if I want to do it or not. I just am doing it because it seems that is what should happen. So now I have another work I have committed myself to for a chunk of time. I am rather pleased with that.
So, as far as I am concerned, a rather productive day, even if it was just checking off one more possibility in terms of doctor appointments.
I hope they think up some more tests or you find a trigger event. Could you explain this concept “Soul Reclamation” please?
Since I’ll forget otherwise, Happy (early) Birthday!
Happy Birthday !!
I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this problem — I hope they can find an answer for you soon.
In the mean time, happy birthday!