
I have been sad that I haven’t appreciated the rain for this year. If it had any affect on me, it has made me want to hide away. I am please that my rain appreciation has finally showed up in the last couple of days. I am enjoying our over abundance of the wet stuff. I smile as I walk through it. I haven’t gotten to the point where I gleefully pounce on puddles yet but I feel it is a possibility again.

The only sorrowful note is that I have a friend that works in construction and when it rains, he doesn’t work. And he needs to work. So, while I enjoy the rain, I feel sorry for him.

So to all of you that are complaining about the continuance of Rain, I am sorry that you have to deal with something you don’t like. But my inner child is making a raspberry and saying she has to deal with all those days of icky sunny weather and cloudless skies, you can deal with some wet stuff.

And it makes everything GREEN!!!

13 thoughts on “Rain!

  1. Green! Wet! *splash* *play*

    Ok, so I’m not so much with the splashing in puddles actually, but that’s mostly because I seem to lack waterproof footwear lately. I should remedy this.

    The most pathetic part though is that as gleeful as I have been about all the rain lately I STILL whine that there’s no melting snow. Can’t have a proper spring without melting snow! I wish I were better about just enjoying the good weather we DO have. Ah well.

  2. I absolutely love the rain. Love, love, love, love, LOVE rain…

    that is, when I don’t have anywhere to go or anything I need to do, other than sip hot cocoa and watch it, listen to it, feel the mist, from under the safety of a porch or other overhang. I hate havin to go to work when it is raining.

  3. I like the rain. I like the greenness of the hills. I like that the rain keeps the pollen from all the blooming stuff out of the air.

    I don’t like forgetting to wear my raincoat and/or bring an umbrella because it’s clear at home but pouring by the time I get to work. ;)

    My mom and I have long had a joke that we’re minor rain-goddesses. Wherever we live, there’s always average or above average rainfall – never droughts or dry-spells. (I think, however, that’s it’s just me now. Mom moved to Arizona and they’re having problems with lack of rain.)

  4. I adore the rain: just before the rain while it is promising, just after the rain while it is cool and sweet, during the rain when it kisses my face and teases my senses. Puddles are great for stomping in and gazing into.
    Mud…I even like mud.

    Moss! Ferns! Waterfall!

    Come visit again and we can go wandering together this time!

  5. … I don’t mind some wet. I recognize I have to pay for my sunny days by dealing with it.

    But I’d really like to intersperse them a little. You know, send me a reminder of why I’m putting up with cold, wet, icky days.

    -Sun Girl at heart

      1. I distinctly remember way too hot days in February. And I know there have been consecutive days with no rain in March. So don’t be giving me this rain every days shtick. I think your water logged brain has conveniently forgotten those dry days and mushed all the wet ones together.

        1. We had about two weeks of Spring weather in February, and I remember them fondly. “Way too hot” to you means the temp was over 60 degrees Farenheit! ;-}

          The ground cannot absorb any more water. There are mudslides being reported all over the bay area due to saturated ground. Levees in the central valley are in danger of collapse due to the deluge. Check out the story in today’s SF Gate.

          1. Humph…Way too hot is 70+. 60 is close to cold. :)

            And that was two weeks within the last three months that wasn’t raining nearly every day. That is what I was saying.

            And I am not saying the rain is good for the area. An over abundance of anything is bad for any area. I figure that it is our turn because Seattle and Portland got soaked when we were in our little summer.

          2. The ground cannot absorb any more water. There are mudslides being reported all over the bay area due to saturated ground. Levees in the central valley are in danger of collapse due to the deluge.

            Now if only it rained like this EVERY year, then people would have been smart enough not to build there! So clearly it needs to rain A LOT MORE to teach people a lesson. *nod*

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