Notice of change in Friends list

I am going to be Friend locking a lot more posts. The main reason is I am afraid of people who I don’t want reading my journal finding it. I have been depending on apathy and lack of internet savyness and I think that is no longer the case. Quizes and info posts will remain open but the things that are more personal about my life will be friends locked. I don’t want to have to edit them for every possible reader.

Because of this I am changing my policy of how I treat my friends list. Until now, I friend those people I know or those that I find interesting. I really don’t have too much trouble having strangers read my journal. I say a lot of things that can be useful. So, if you want to read my journal and you aren’t currently on my friends list, leave me a comment telling me who you are and I will probably add you.

When I get time and a faster connection, I will be going through and locking appropriate old posts.

8 thoughts on “Notice of change in Friends list

  1. You might have to google a bit, but there is a little java applet that you can download (if you can find it, I don’t remember the website) that will automatically change the security settings of all your posts. Probably worth looking up.

  2. I can offer no helpful advice for the technical stuff; however, we can get you the ‘puter on Wed.

    Shannon is working down in Woodside today and the ‘puter is locked in his area. T, K & the Girls return later tonight, so we can get it from them tomorrow. We’re running off to Cirque after I get home from work, so fell free to call and bug Kevin during the day :-)

    1. Re: keep me please

      I am not getting rid of anyone, my dear. There are some people out there that I don’t know who read my journal and I want to be sure they get added if they wish. That’s all.

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